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Stretched Metaphor of the Day

From the doyenne of the Huffington Post:

We've only scratched the surface, but the more we learn about the Armstrong Ranch, site of the Cheney shooting, the more it feels like the GOP equivalent of Tony Soprano's joint, the Bada Bing. Of course, at the Bada Bing the girls are strippers; at Armstrong they're the ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein. But both hot spots feature quite a bit of gunplay.[1]

You see, a hunting ranch "feels" just like a strip club. Except for the girls. Because a lot of GOP bigshots go there, right?

Tune in next week for more exciting HuffPo metaphors, such as why the Democrat's Renaissance Weekend is an awful lot like the Amsterdam Red Light District. . . .

(Yes, yes, I get the point Ms. Huffington is trying to make: lots of Republican bigwigs go to the Armstrong Ranch and network. But even to a casual Sopranos viewer, it's a stupid metaphor. The Bada Bing is Tony's place, which would make Katherine Armstrong the kingpin of the Republican Party. On top of that, more corrupt deals are made at Artie Bucco's restaurant than the Bada Bing. But focusing on the Nuovo Vesuvio wouldn't allow the HuffPo to make a completely gratuitous slam on a female ambassador. Isn't that odd for a progressive site?

Incidentally, shouldn't it be she's the Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein? There's only one ambassador to the two countries, and unless Arianna knows something the rest of us don't want to know about, the last one wasn't likely to get hired by Bada Bing.)

[1]: Astute readers will note that the quotation above doesn't match the text found at HuffPo. I've quoted the excerpt given on the HP homepage at the time of writing, but linked to the "under the fold" text. The only other option was posting a screenshot.


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