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Paging Dan Brown!

Professor Volokh today posts an excerpt from The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS)-Palestine. He makes a serious point, wondering how one can negotiate with a group so disconnected from reality. Me, I just wonder how certain groups become bees in the Hamas bonnet. Take, for instance, these bizarre accusations:

That is why you find [the Zionists] giving [attempts at liberalizing women] constant attention through information campaigns, films, and the school curriculum, using for that purpose their lackeys who are infiltrated through Zionist organizations under various names and shapes, such as Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, espionage groups and others, which are all nothing more than cells of subversion and saboteurs.

Now, I'll admit that my knowledge of conspiracy theory is somewhat limited, but since when are the Freemasons a Zionist group? Even supposing that the Illuminati deck has been reshuffled to that extent, what is this about the Rotary Club? Or even better:
With their money [the Zionists] formed secret societies, such as Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, the Lions and others in different parts of the world for the purpose of sabotaging societies and achieving Zionist interests.

The Lions Club is a secret society? There has to be some kind of story behind this, and I really want to know what the Lions and the Rotary Club did to annoy Hamas. How did they even get on the radar as a member of the Vast Zionist Conspiracy worthy of getting a name in their founding documents?

Hamas has always been a bit of a Janus organization. Suicide bombings against enemies are good, as are non-corrupt social services for allies. One can rationalize those positions if one tries hard. But either its constitution is an attempt at comedy--and this I doubt--or the organization is also what a friend of mine would characterize as "plain batshit crazy."

Thankfully, however much Lions or the Rotary Club members are tools of Jewish Hegemony, Inc., they're pretty mild-mannered about it. I mean, imagine what might have happened if Hamas had published some cartoons of prominent greedy Rotarians with sheckels in their eyes! We might have had mosques burnt down, the Iranian embassy stormed and hostages held, and all sorts of other things that I'd feel compelled to denounce. Fortunately, these folks have been pretty quiescent since 1988.


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Well, the Fressmasons let Jews into their membership, so we must be part of the Zionist conspiracy. Ranks right up there with why Saddam's Iraq, Iran, and various other dicators think that being a Freemason is a good cause for execution. When you figure it out let me so I can share with the guys at Lodge as we're all in the dark as to why they're so unhappy with us.
Luke, I'm sorry, I'm even further out of the loop than you. I thought that Ben Franklin was a Freemason. And yet one other anti-Jewish hoax holds that he thought the Jews were going to take over the world. I get confused by who we are and aren't supposed to trust as part of the Vast Zionist Conspiracy. No guidance to the Lodge from me, sadly. I'm afraid any accusation against the Masons not made by Monty Python is beyond baliwick.
Hamas' attitude toward Rotary is very similar to the catholic church's attitude during the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s when the Rome church listed Rotary as a subversive organization and forbit priests from joining clubs (although many did, appreciating that Rome was wrong.) The Catholic Church also lumped Rotary with Freemasons, Although the Pope spoke at a Rotary International convention in Rome in 1976 and praised Rotary as an open organization that helps people all over the world without regard to race, creed, religious, sexual orientation, the church has apparently never lifted th "subversive" label. With clubs increasing in every Catholic country, the churches opposition to Rotary is nearly non-existent, and catholioc charities gains substantial ssums from the generousity from Rotary charities. With Rotary in even secular Muslim country like Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Arab Emerit, Egypt, and the list goes on, one would hope that Hamas will understand that it is not the danger to Hamas, and that Rotary is not a Zionist organization and that it is not controlled by Zionist. Maybe someday!!!

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