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EIP Website

Is any other CLS 1L having trouble with the EIP website? It doesn't seem to want to remember my bids. When I get to the stage that I want to rank them, it seems to forget anything I've ever put down and return a blank page.

Since the deadline is tonight at about 3AM my time, this isn't good news.

Update: I've figured out a long and convoluted way to get it to save a bid. (Basically, bid for all your 'A' firms first, then the 'B's, etc.) But the process is monumentally slow, and would be even if the site didn't time out four out of five times. The guys who built this, did they ever hear of load-balancing?

Update II: For those who are interested, I've taken some screenshots of the various problems with this system, and will be posting a site critique in the next few days. Basically the site is poorly designed not designed with efficiency in mind and requires way too much server time to do the simplest things.

Update III: Hmm... curiously, my resume is still listed on the site as 'converting', even though it's been doing so for over two hours. (I went to dinner.) I'd like to believe that the sheer brilliance of the resume dazzled the server into submission, but I'm thinking the process is broken. This does not bode well. If anyone finds a way around this--short of sending the resume in directly, which I've done--please post in the comments.


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You have to rank order them immediately after input, or they're lost. This makes no sense, but is the way the interface works. So either work from an actual rank-ordered list when doing the input, or just make something up and change it at the end.
Yeah, I just figured that out. I can't believe anyone designed this system to behave this way... even if it weren't timing out.
Well, now the database is totally down, so I'm going to bed. I can't face the 'page not found' screen any longer. I want my money back from Career Services. This sucks.
I must admit, it looks like a particularly bollocks job. Here's a big problem: you select all the firms you want on a page, then press SAVE. To actually bid, you have to give those firms a ranking and confirm, which automatically pops up a 'printable' screen. That's a huge server load full of unnecessary processes, since no one is going to proceed with their bids that way. (The normal process would surely be (a) pick firms, (b) rank them, (c) print.) Bearing in mind that they should know the server's going to hit peak load just before the deadline, you'd think they'd optimize the process. I don't know about getting your money back from Career Services--that's probably a bit harsh, it's not their fault--but Career Services should get their money back from Micron. This thing's incredibly poorly-designed.
I think I smell burning flesh.
I want to kill this system. The booklet actually says to make sure you read all the instruction -- I did for 8 hours...none of them actually explain how to do it.
Well, I think the concensus is in. :) (For once a post where all my commentors agree with me.) Methinks they're running this thing on a server with the Amazing Intel HamsterWheel(TM) Processor.
OMG...I've been waiting for my resume to 'convert' for the last half an hour. Dreadful, simply dreadful.
I'm having the same problems. Looks like I'll be waking up at 7am to try to get my bids in before work. It will be nice if the site is functioning then. Maybe Career Services planned it this way, and they're simply punishing everyone who waited until the last day.
I'm having the same problems. Looks like I'll be waking up at 7am to try to get my bids in before work. It will be nice if the site is functioning then. Maybe Career Services planned it this way, and they're simply punishing everyone who waited until the last day.
And now I have a double post. Man, technology is really working for me tonight.
do do doo . . . "converting" for over an hour now . . . I'm about five seconds away from drawing a pentagram on the floor, lighting some candles and conjuring up Dean Wayne to give her a piece of my mind.
So they extend the deadline ... and the site still doesn't work. Has anybody actually been able to add bids in the last 24 hours? I've come tantalizingly close to adding a few, but the site always gives an error near the end of the process. Is the site permanently busted? Because I doubt all 400 students were bidding at 3am, or at 7am, or at 10am, or at 3pm, or at 6pm, or all the other times I've tried to use the stupid site. My resumes have been "converting" for going on 15 hours now. This is ridiculous. It makes SofTest look like a masterpiece of computer engineering.
I had the same problem. They actually answered my call at Career Services, and the technical guy said the site is broken and not just having volume problems. Theoretically it gets fixed tonight for use tomorrow. Insane.
I haven't tried adding anything, but in the last hour I have managed to upload my resume changes and reorder the firms I entered yesterday. The screen that pops up with the list (after each and every change) isn't loading initially, but it does load if you right click and refresh. So I'm going to call it a day and turn this crap in, even though I have far fewer firms entered than I should probably have.
� good site, good short contents of the good work. I have loved your site :D

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