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A bit... Not Homesick, Really, Since New York Is My Home

Sua Sponte writes:

Whatever happened to masked balls? Why'd we stop having them? Talk about a concept that needs reviving. Maybe that'll be the theme for my thirtieth birthday party this January: Masquerade. Extra points to anyone who shows up wearing a veil. (Infinite extra points to anyone who shows up wearing seven.)

Things like this are bringing back pangs of homesickness, or at least reverse-wanderlust. Some of my friends used to love doing masquerades: indeed, one of my going away parties before law school was a masked ball.

Back in middle school, an errant art teacher taught me how to make casts of people's faces and turn them into masks: a sophomoric venture, but one that I still enjoy putting my hand to from time to time. (I am ridiculously bad at painting, drawing, photography, and such arts, and being laughable in that department enjoy anything I can make a passable stab at.) Since then I've made about a dozen or so that I still have here or there, most hanging in my room.

One disadvantage of a dorm: you never really have the ability to throw a party. But a masque sounds a marvelous mystery, and I'd love to hold one. Maybe for my swiftly-approaching thirtieth I'll try to rent some space somewhere and blatantly steal the idea. No idea where I'll get the funding, but needs must...


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» Masks and the macabre from IrishLaw
Anthony Rickey writes that he would like to revive the masquerade, since "a masque sounds a marvelous mystery." To me, though, masks do not evoke a thrill of excitement or mystery so much as a rush of profound unease. With few exceptions (I don't min... [Read More]

» Far Too Serious from Fool's Blog
In response to Tony Rickey's call for more masquerade balls, IrishLaw does not like the idea. I fully support Tony's call for more masquerade balls. IL discusses masks: "In their hiding of the expressions that we use to connect with... [Read More]


I fully support this idea. I have some people who want to go in on a big party. Perhaps we can all get together and throw a masked ball. What fun!
I am with Sua Sponte on bringing back the art of masquerading!!! After falling in love with Venetian masques in New Orleans, (and searching everywhere for blank ones and/or methods for making them), I dedicated myself to bringing the tradition back. One, so I had a legitimate reason for crafting them, and two so that I could wear mine on a regular basis, without shocking people. I guess I figured if I had reasons to make them, my husband would let me stay in my studio and play . Sua Sponte: For your 30th(or for any other reason), drop me a line and I�ll hook you up with special masques for your party. Nicole www.karnevalmasque.com

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