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For Those in My Con Law Class

OK, this is blog as public service announcement, so if you're not in my Con Law class, you can ignore it.

I've gotten a few emails from people who, like me, didn't pick up Prof. Con Law's materials for tomorrow's class. Thankfully, a friend loaned me her copy, so I've got it. (Thanks to said friend, by the way.) I was going to scan the materials in and post them here, but they all seem to be available online, so what I've done is link to the relevant sites instead.

Again, if you're not in my Con Law class, this is of no use to you, but if you are, feel free to pass it on. (Links are in the extended entry.)

Incidentally, I've not checked these materials for accuracy, but I'm fairly certain they're the same thing. Use at your own risk, etc.

The course pack made available by the professor contains:

The Declaration of Independence

The Constitution of Virginia - 1776 (This is 90% the same--it's missing the preamble in Prof's text, but is otherwise the same.)

A Declaration of the Rights of the Inhabitants of the Commonwealth, or State of Pennsylvania - 1776 (Assignment is only Article IX.) OK, the Prof's Table of Contents says the Pennsylvania constitution of 1776, but the text he's provided is actually found in the 1790 Constitution, so that's what I've linked to.

Articles of Confederation - 1777

Constitution or Frame of Government for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts - 1780 (This one's a little odd, since the online version differs from the text slightly. The assigned text ends in the first paragraph of Part The Second, where it reads, "The people inhabiting the territory formerly called the province of Massachusetts Bay do hereby solemnly and mutually agree with each other to form themselves into a free, sovereign, and independent body-politic or State, by the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts." It goes no further than that.)

Hope that helps someone.


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You're the man.
You're the man.
I'm clearly not in your Con Law class :-), but I just wanted to say that I think that's a pretty awesome thing to do!

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