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Too Busy

I always thought vacations were supposed to be restful. At least the tail-end of this one isn't. Between reading for classes, getting my resumes out the door, sweating about exam results (two in--more on that later), helping friends move apartments, and the various other check boxes feverishly multiplying on my task list, I've barely had time for my computer. Which, by the way, needs a complete rebuild.

Which makes it surprising that this week I'm guest-blogging occasionally over at Crestcat Sententia. How do I get myself into these commitments?


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Hello, I am planning on applying to law school later this year and I'm looking for pointers on how to prepare for the LSAT. Columbia is at the very top of my list but it looks quite competitive. I read the piece on using Kaplan 180 and reading Op-Eds. Do you have any specific advice on tackling the logic game section? Thanks. Jackson
You have your grades back already? Are you kidding me? Wow. We don't get ours back for another four or five weeks. I'm jealous. Good luck.
Jackson, tkae a course if you can. They are not very good, but I found that it makes it easier to study, and find a quiet place to take tests. Otherwise, just take tests and review the answers. There are about 35 released exams and taking as many as you can is the best way to prepare.
I agree with Avi. Just buy the real tests released by LSAC and take as many as you can. My biggest tip: make a little asterisk or checkmark next to the answers you most struggled with, and then go back and make sure you understand why the right answer is what it is, even if you got it right! Too many people only go back over the ones they get wrong, and forget the value gained by understanding why you get the hard ones right when you do.
I agree with Unlearned Hand on reviewing even the correct answers. A good way to practice is to review questions in groups by type of question, so that you can intensively practice the types you have trouble with. This works since you will not take all 40 released tests anyway, so there are more than enough early exams to use for working on specific question types.
Sorry not to have gotten back on this. The advice above is all very good. The only other thing I can suggest is repeated practice. I used to do one logic puzzle every morning on my bus ride to work. The Kaplan 180 book is really good for the logic puzzles, just because it continually gives you the difficult bastards. After those, the ones on the exams start to look simpler...
Happy Halloween - love Trev.

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Choose Stylesheet

What I'm Reading

D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

About time I read this...


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A Round-the-World Travel Blog: Devil May Care (A new round-the-world travel blog, co-written with my wife)
Parents for Inclusive Education (From my Clinic)

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