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Senatorial Asylum

And in one moment, the blogosphere rose up in massive agreement. Check out Balloon Juice's description of why the new Congressional resolution to transform some of the money being spent to rebuild Iraq into a loan, which will be forgiven if other donor nations write off their Saddam-era debt. You have to scroll down a ways, but you'll see the list of the members of the blogosphere of every political persuasion who think this is dumb.

The most charitable interpretation of this is that it gives the U.S. a card to play to get countries like France or Russia to fold up their debt claims. From a game-theory perspective, that might not be a bad plan. From a moral (or hell, a public-relations) view, it's like holding up a beat up child and saying, "Gimme back this kid's money or I'll beat it out of his hide." It's insanity incarnate. Words fail me.


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» Senatorial Lunacy from Balloon Juice
This post by Matt Stinson is so important I am copying the whole thing and pasting it here, because he [Read More]

» Congressional Con Game from PhotoDude's Weblog
Congressional Con Game - Congress thinks they're running a con game, and we're all suckers. I don't know what else to call it when you wage two wars against a country (both of which were approved by Congressional vote) that play havoc with its infrastr... [Read More]

» Congressional Con Game from PhotoDude's Weblog
Congressional Con Game - Congress thinks they're running a con game, and we're all suckers. I don't know what else to call it when you wage two wars against a country (both of which were approved by Congressional vote) that play havoc with its infrastr... [Read More]

» Congressional Con Game from PhotoDude's Weblog
Congressional Con Game - Congress thinks they're running a con game, and we're all suckers. I don't know what else to call it when you wage two wars against a country (both of which were approved by Congressional vote) that play havoc with its infrastr... [Read More]


Needless to say, I don't much approve of the loan plan either. However, I am curious as to why they did it. Faulty reasoning is something I've come to expect from politicians, but no reasoning ? I don't believe that.

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