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Why I've been feeling old today

Detailing how the exam went can wait: I'm feeling like a decrepit old fogey. Never mind the fact that my brother sent me this article, wherein little rugrats critique the Atari games that I grew up on. No, it's worse.

I went to see Kill Bill after the exam, with two of the people in my course. After the movie (which I will review, since I thought it was horrible), I mentioned that the eponymous Bill (who you don't see in the first film) is played by David Carradine.

"Who?" from my first companion. This followed by a blank look from a young lady who only a moment before I might have considered the salt of the earth, despite her obviously tender years.

"David Carradine? You know, from Kung Fu?"

Blank. Real blank. For a moment, I tried to console myself with the phantasm that both of these people were in Another Section, and that maybe Columbia specially segregated those of us with vast cultural knowledge into my section. [1] Then I realized that they'd made a remake of Kung Fu called "The Legend Continues" in the mid-90s that was diabolically awful: so if it were just poor taste, they'd know him from there. My classmates obviously have better aesthetic sense than that. [2]

No, there was no escaping it. I was just... old.

Okay, you whippersnappers, that's fine, make fun of me! You know what they say about age and... erm... hold on, my memory's not what it used to be...

[1] Yes, this is patently ridiculous, but their response was making me feel old. The human mind will perform some stunning feats to defend its ego. Have some sympathy.
[2[ See, I told you. At this point the obvious conclusion was that not only did they have better sense than that, but they have better taste than I.


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funny; I feel that way a lot, and I'm NOWHERE close to being as OLD as you. I just chalk it up to my interest in cultural artifacts... aka books.
let's not lie...law students probably can't name the lead actors in many television shows these days, even though they watch them obsessively. It's not an ageist thing; it's a social ability thing. some of us got it, some don't.
(pauses, looking at you with bewildered wonderment) ... i LOVE kung fu.

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