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And he wonders why he gets called an elitist . . .

Prof. Bainbridge displays an uncommon lack of class today when moaning about a practice with which I am similarly annoyed. Writing about folks who park SuperSized SUVs in spaces reserved for diet-sized cars, he gripes:

I was standing there thinking, "only somebody from Texas would be dumb enough to think a GMC Yukon qualifies for a compact parking space," . . . ... but then one of my fellow Californians pulled a (nearly) full size truck into the compact space right beside the Yukon.

When I shuffle into the parking garage at GW every morning, the spots marked COMPACT CAR in large black lettering are commonly filled with Chevy Escalades, Toyota Highlanders and other such gargantuan monstrosities. I've yet to see one with a Texas license plate.

Certainly the practice is obnoxious, although I must also admit that given the number of SUVs in my lot, it's a bit strange the parking garage hasn't redrawn the lines to accommodate more small trucks. But there's no reason--nor has there ever been any--to suspect that only Texans are blase enough about the convenience of their fellow citizens to engage in such behavior.

(Come to think of it, I never saw an SUV parked in a compact space when I lived in Texas, but I can't recall ever seeing anything but a full-sized parking space.)


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It was a JOKE about how Texans like big things!
Then perhaps it should have been, "I thought only Texans were so obsessed with big things. . . ."
I'm in Texas now. There are still spots for compacts, but SUVs usually don't park in them. Not to mention, in Texas, SUVs are often actually usefull and used. At least the Tahoe/Suburban types. We have plenty of the other kind of use too.

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