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D.C.'s Finest Taxi Service


Having graduated and started to live in the 'Burbs, it was pretty inevitable that I should get a used car. The bus service to our apartment is pretty lousy on the weekends, so any trip either requires an hour's travel time or one's own wheels. So I found a good deal on a used Scion xB. I know they don't look "cool," but these are great cars if you're a tall guy. It feels almost odd to be driving a smallish car but have three to four inches of headroom.

If any of my readers know someone living near Arlington and taking BarBri at GW this summer, please drop them a line and ask them to get in touch. The Scion seats four very comfortably (lots of leg-room), and if I were taking more than two people, the commute and parking would end up cheaper than public transport.

The Car


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Hey, I think they look cool.
I think it looks like a shoebox. However it does have huge flat panels which would be perfect for artwork, and you could stick on some really chunky engine grill things. Indeed with a modicum of work it could look like it drove out of Escape from New York, perfect for the new lawyer...
Come on! You know those shoeboxes are all the coolness. All the hip kids have them! I can't believe you're doing BarBri in D.C. -- and at GW, no less. What's up with that? And you didn't even call me to say hello before I left town? Hmph.

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What I'm Reading

D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

About time I read this...


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