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T-Shirt Slogans

Before heading off to sunny Texas for spring break I've cleaned like a demon. Unless the room floods while I'm gone (not entirely impossible), I should return home to a room that sparkles like a hotel. Part of this has involved throwing out or donating some of my old clothes, something at which I've never been very good. Today I've been strict: anything I've not worn consistently in the last six months is going. I really need to limit my closet consumption.

I'm especially loathe to throw out t-shirts that have silly slogans on them. (Yes, I've got the fashion sense of a color-blind zombie.) Sadly, I can't seem to find anyone who makes the following anymore:

  • "I've got the body of a god. Unfortunately, that god is Buddha."
  • Pave the Planet! One World, One People, One Slab of Asphalt!

Come to think of it, it's probably best for me that these things have gone thoroughly out of fashion....


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I've just seen a new one in L.A.: "I'm not liberal, I'm Canadian"
I'd like a shirt that said "STOP PLATE TECTONICS" - I like thinking that it's just a matter of political will to be able to stop the Earth's crust from moving... I'm also thinking about getting one that says "Rock is dead. (Long live paper and scissors)" but I haven't found a version I like yet. (I don't know if it's good news or bad news that I approve of your sense of fashion...)
Stop plate tectonics shirts are easily found, half of the geology departments in america print such a shirt. I've got two myself.
John: If you know where I could find one, I'd greatly appreciate it. I can't seem to get my hands on one.
I have seen the buddha shirts before but I think that the asphalt shirt is fantastic. I have way too many friends who would hate it so it would make wearing it for effect that much better.
Personally I want a Debt Consolidation T_Shirt!
My good friend in high school had the very same "STOP PLATE TECTONICS" t-shirt (it was green with yellow writing). He also struck out while seeking a replacement. He finally came up with a solution, though: he custom-ordered a shirt which read: "STOP PLATE TECTONICS II."
They don't have the shirts you are talking about. But Tshirthell.com has quite a few really bad shirts, along with cafepress.
Goodness.... what is this website? quite refreshing to see that American Law students are so upbeat about their studies. I'm in my third and final year studying Law in London, and the atmosphere is so dead, the city is too slow to begin with, but none of my classmates are enthusiastic about any case or any judge or any professor or anything at all. And how do you people manage to read so much? The maximum amount of hours a week I spend at the faculty is about ten: Four 2-hour seminars and two 1-hour tutorials, yet we never seem to be asked to read anything much, nor anything exciting. we just turn up in class talking about what the case already says. There are no discussions or "what if"'s or anything that uses imagination. It's all very dry and proper. American law sounds so much fun in comparison.
We actually have both these T shirts! conceptTshirts

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D.C. Noir

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A Clockwork Orange

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