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Burning Down the Hundred Acre Woods

With any luck, this is one of those decisions that will be reversed after public outcry:

NOVELTY pig calendars and toys have been banned from a council office � in case they offend Muslim staff.

Workers in the benefits department at Dudley Council, West Midlands, were told to remove or cover up all pig-related items, including toys, porcelain figures, calendars and even a tissue box featuring Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.

Bosses acted after a Muslim complained about pig-shaped stress relievers delivered to the council in the run-up to the Islamic festival of Ramadan.

(from the Sun, not always the most unbiased of papers, indirectly via the Conspiracy)

More, including a good political cartoon, here.

I'd be very surprised if this particular rule stands, or is enforced for any length of time. If it is, it will be a very sad day when Good Saint Sensitivity has driven the dire threat of Piglet from out of England.

Of course, it wouldn't be the first sign that Albion is losing track of her identity a bit, even if it's recovering from the warm fuzziness of Blair's Cool Britannia. CNN International ran an article on prison wardens being rebuked for wearing charity pins with the Cross of St. George on them. I have no opinion on the report itself, as there may be good reasons why guards shouldn't wear these. But at the end of the article, Chris Doyle of the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding (whose website reads much as you'd expect) is quoted as saying:

Doyle added that it was now time for England to find a new flag and a patron saint who is "not associated with our bloody past and one we can all identify with."

That's right: in the name of tolerance, the British should put George on the dustheap of history, send Piglet off to the slaughterhouse, and quite possibly give a helping hand to the poor, downtrodden dragon, who after all has had that rotten old Georgie boy's lance in him for oh so long...

(language altered to clean it up a bit)


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I fuking hate piglet! Really cool site! Love the Banner!
I hadn't realized that pigs were any more offensive to Muslims than they would be to Jews, though admittedly I'm coming out of the wrong tradition to figure out what the significance of an unholy animal would be. If a Hindu would go out of her way to prevent killing a cow, does that mean Muslims go out of their way to wipe pork off the earth?

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