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OK, OK, I guess I'll take one moment out of my clerkship preparations to comment on the latest from Howard Dean:

"The president and his right-wing Supreme Court think it is 'okay' to have the government take your house if they feel like putting a hotel where your house is."

Anyone who knows the voting lineup of the Kelo decision knows exactly how laughable that statement is. Either that, or Dean's so far to the left that Justice Ginsburg has become right wing.

Of course, don't hold your breath waiting for the New York Times or Slate to comment on this. If Republicans make grammatical errors, it's funny. If Democrats make factual ones, it's just not news.

(Quote from Townhall.com, but also reported at DailyKos. Hat Tip to Instapundit and Patterico.)


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It's never news when Republicans make factual errors, either. The NYT and cable news continue to breathlessly report every inane assertion coming from the mouths of Republicans as fact. Also, hanging your hat one on Supreme Court decision hardly disproves his point. By the way, Anthony, you like to criticize Democrats on your site but I've never seen you write anything positive about Republicans. Why is that?
Working DailyKos link.
"Swoof": Also, hanging your hat one on Supreme Court decision hardly disproves his point. And I suppose you have a veritable hat-rack of decisions upon which you're propping Dean's trilbys, pork-pies, and... what are those funny little hats folks were always wearing in Newhart? The fact is, Dean was making a Kelo reference. If you'd like to say he was doing something else, by all means, make that argument. Perhaps he was talking about how much he wishes Scalia would becom a hotelier in Montpelier? I'm not sleeping enough these days, and I could use the humor. The fact is, Dean was either so mistaken as to be laughable or throwing deliberate and knowing calumny upon his opposition. Those who voted for Kelo--a decision that did almost exactly what Dean was complaining of--were either Clinton-appointees or the justices that Dean most favors. Ginsburg and Souter are not generally considered part of "[President Bush's] right-wing court." At least, not among the reality-based community...

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