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WEATHER FORECAST FOR TOMORROW: Warm Front Blowing East from California...

Oh, yes, Ann Althouse reminds me that The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington's new massive group blog, is launching tomorrow. Over 250 mostly-left big name celebrities in one massive group-blog-o'-fun. Oh dear:

Ms. Ephron, the writer, who is one of the bloggers, said it was this casual aspect of the venture that appealed to her. "The idea that one might occasionally be able to have a small thought and a place to send it, without having to write a whole essay, seems like a very good idea," she said.

She also sees the Post as a chance for the left to balance out the right.

"In the Fox era, everything we can do on our side to even things out, now that the media is either controlled by Rupert Murdoch or is so afraid of Rupert Murdoch that they behave as if they were controlled by him, is great," she said. But sometimes, she added, "I may merely have a cake recipe."

A place for the left to have small thoughts and whine about how horrible it is that there is one right-wing news channel as opposed to three left-wing major networks? I thought they already had CBS News for that.

Ah well. Be sure to click over there tomorrow for your daily dose of redundancy.

(In all seriousness, there's a reason that things like Air America or--from the sound of things--The Huffington Report have a hard time taking off. For a the whinging that one hears about how "unbalanced" the media is at the moment, there are a lot of media outlets available for the left, or at least the moderate left. Meanwhile, the right has The Drudge Report, Fox News, and sites like Instapundit. We may have half the country, but the left is cursed with having the half that controls all the media, and thus any new entrant faces an already mature market.

Somehow, I don't see getting the latest worthy diatribes from Warren Beatty and David Mamet is going to unsettle the established left-wing hierarchy. These guys are just not going to give Kos a run for his money.)

Update: Fixed link to the HP, which broke when the site went live.


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You actually believe that don't you? Martin
What, Martin, you want to blame the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy for Air America sucking?
Don't forget the Left has a majority of good-looking people, most of the highly-educated, almost all of the humorous, and 100% of the good-in-bed. The thoughtful, the kind, the considerate, most of the good tippers, all but a few of the good friends, somewhat more than half of the good sons and daughters, all the good citizens (by definition), and not as few of the good businessmen as you might think. Plus the artistic, the creative, the musically-inclined and all the patient drivers. And Air America is awesome. Awesome, I say!
Cult, Stripping
Hmm. I tried to post a message, and the system said I had 'questionable content' or something. The two words above struck me as those most likely to be questionable. Still won't let me post the whole thing though
Martin: curious. Send the post to me by mail and I'll make sure it gets up. I'd be interested in figuring out what the Blacklist is blocking. Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience.
Wonder if it was "p0ker" (spelled with an o instead of 0). Borrowing your blacklist had me almost delete a real comment from someone who was not trying to hook me on hold 'em.

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