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Clincal Excellence

I've written enthusiastically before about my clinical experience, though not in great detail. The Lawyering in the Digital Age Clinic presents its students with a unique perspective on legal practice. We focused on how technology affected legal practice, and thus some of our projects were less traditionally legal, and instead blended into a combination of legal research, trial practice, information architecture, and process consulting. The legal questions are different. For instance, how can you automate work processes so that lawyers can handle high-volume workloads while still meeting court filing requirements? How can a pro-bono office organize its evidence so as to present it more effectively to a judge? More importantly, how can they organize information to present it more effectively to their clients? Such things can mean the difference between success and failure to organizations with resources that Biglaw would consider unmanageably scarce.

As a result, the clinic's output often consists as much of websites and databases as brief and filings. One such project, for Parents for Inclusive Education, an organization that advocates for inclusive education for children with disabilities in New York City launched recently. While it might not look like a legal project, there's more law there than you'd expect: one of the beauties of technology is how it can be used to bring those with legal rights to assistance to those who can assist them, without the direct intervention of lawyers.

Like most projects in a legal clinic, confidentiality requirements mean that you can't say anything directly about most of the projects. This one's an exception: besides having client permission, the project benefits from every bit of Google juice it can get. If you've got a spare moment and could give it a link, I'd be much obliged.


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Thanks for linking to our website - PIE deserves all the visibility it can get! My team had a great time in the LDA clinic and working with the lawyers and parents at PIE.

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What I'm Reading

D.C. Noir

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A Clockwork Orange

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Projects I've Been Involved With

A Round-the-World Travel Blog: Devil May Care (A new round-the-world travel blog, co-written with my wife)
Parents for Inclusive Education (From my Clinic)

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The Columbia Continuum
Other Blogs by CLS students