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St. Curmudgeon's Day

Ah, Valentine's Day. Mythically the day that birds chose their mates, economically the day candymakers meet their margins, romantically the day the uncertain find a good excuse to throw caution to the winds, and caustically the day curmudgeons get a good chance to gripe.

Heidi gives a good, long rant on the subject, and I wouldn't be me if I faulted her on it. Really, when it comes to a good cynical grumble about ephemeral values, overhigh hopes, and mercenary passions, I'm normally first in line. (Hers is a really good example of the genre, and I recommend it.)

Still, however tempting, I can't join her in the condemnation of the day. First of all, Valentine's satisfies my desire for the absurd. We're celebrating a martyrdom by decapitation with chocolate hearts and lace-trimmed cards. (Actually, let's be thankful for a lack of literalism here: the holiday would be noticeably diminished if we were exchanging chocolate heads.) A saint's day being celebrated with the modern disregard for chastity has its own particular silliness.

And of course, it provides a space for the grand gesture or the considerate small one. Are a dozen roses trite and manufactured for the occasion? Sure. A box of chocolates cliche? Oh yeah. But roses are nice, chocolates are sweet, and neither substantially decrease the amount of happiness in the world. (Not having them won't increase the amount of wisdom, judgment, or discretion in the world, either.)

Besides, it makes some folks happy. St. Valentine's Day is an over-commercialized, tawdry occasion inspiring many cheap and unwise gestures between individuals often overly-besotted with each other. Thank goodness, and long may it be thus. There's nothing wrong with tilting at a few windmills one day a year.


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» A Miscellany from Crescat Sententia
Aside from my didactic musings below, here are a few other Valentine's-Day-Related links. I offer them in lieu of an actual post because I have been celebrating the day by doing such romantic things as going to class, and trying... [Read More]

» A Miscellany from Crescat Sententia
Aside from my didactic musings below, here are a few other Valentine's-Day-Related links. I offer them in lieu of an actual post because I have been celebrating the day by doing such romantic things as going to class, and trying... [Read More]


Valentine's Day is when we single women are glad we have a fuck buddy to enjoy on a night when normally women are primping and guys are investing on an over-priced dinner date and then something overprices afterwards like a romantic movie showing or dancing or some crap like that. In bed, having fun, losing weight [haha], and maybe we'll even make a sandwich for you afterwards. Or you'll fix us a drink. Much better then the stereotypical Valentine's Day.
That implies that only single women can have that kind of Valentine's Day.

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