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The Lack of Refractive Qualities of Dorm Glass, or A Warning to the Afternoon Post-Coital Set

So I'm working on a relatively high floor of a university building today (location omitted to protect the guilty), chatting with a friend about a matter of great and principled import. I had listened to his point and was just managing to get passionate about a rebuttal--really managing some eloquence, or perhaps just some heated grumpiness--when I notice that his eyes are bigger than pie-plates, and he's not really paying attention anymore.

"Erm... what did I say?"

"Oh," he replies, "Nothing. I was just wondering why there's a naked woman in that window over there."

In surprise, I turned around, and sure enough in the window across the street there's a young lady's bare back on display. Somewhat in disbelief, I muttered, "No, it's just a skin-tone colored shirt and a trick of the light." But then she turned around, and... well, let us merely say that a room full of law students lost all reasonable doubt about the nature of the situation.

Neither she nor her apparent partner--who showed up near the window a minute later--evinced the slightest sign of realizing that they had become part of the scenery. And after a bit, they faded back into the room and out of sight.

Anyway, as a public service announcement for those living near Columbia, or even those who merely live in big, crowded cities: if you're wandering around in the buff, shut your curtains. After all, university campuses are filled with individuals who have homework, and virtually anything is a better distraction than doing that. There will never be a shortage of people looking out of windows, and more than likely they'll end up looking into yours.


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» A Warning to the Afternoon Post-Coital Set from link log
There will never be a shortage of people looking out of windows, and more than likely they'll end up looking into yours. [Read More]

» NewYorkaphobia from Half the Sins of Mankind
I don't feel too tightly packed within my building, but I have to recognize that the buildings themselves are quite close together and normal expectations of privacy may no longer apply. [Read More]


Duly noted.
Perhaps that was the point...
Since most of what I knew about NYC before coming here was from Friends, Seinfeld and Woody Allen movies, naked people visible from one's window really are just part of the gotham experience. In fact, that should have been an Ugly Naked Guy.
Speaking of, if you run for ME and they haven't moved the office, you'll get to see plenty of the late-evening version of the same. Although as a general matter, the operative rule seems to be that propensity to have shades drawn is directly proportional to attractiveness. The mathematical principle of "Do Me a Favor: Don't Do Me No Favors." TtP
TtP: Afraid that at the end of the day I don't approve of such behavior. Always been fond of the English woman who said, "I don't care what they do, so long as they don't do it in the street and scare the horses." Disturb work is probably a close second.
TtP: Afraid that at the end of the day I don't approve of such behavior. Always been fond of the English woman who said, "I don't care what they do, so long as they don't do it in the street and scare the horses." Disturb work is probably a close second.
her name was oscar wilde. http://www.radical-sex.com/frighten_the_horses.html unfortunely deceased publication.
Vark: Actually, I've never seen the quote attributed to Oscar Wilde. Rather, it's generally attributed to Beatrice Campbell, a friend of George Bernard Shaw.
I enjoy reading through this informal place. I will surely visit you again to see if anything new appears on it. Good luck for the future.

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