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Minor Annoyance

I know it's a little thing, but I really wish that when Financial Aid sent out an announcement of a scholarship opportunity, they'd include more than just the words "Scholarship Opportunity" in the subject line. Since November 23rd, I've received nine such mailings, none of which have been of any use to me.

None of them have been useful because I am not: (1) domiciled in Bronx County; (2) a native of New York City; (3) of Polish descent; (4) Jewish and living in Queens County; (5) (second announcement of 2); (6) a resident of Passaic or Bergen County, New Jersey; (7) of Italian heritage; (8) a (presumably racial) minority law student; or (9) a woman.

Two of these I recieved today while I was working on my Note. Normally incoming email is a welcome distraction, and perhaps it's just the foul mood one gets while completing an unwelcome task, but I felt quite a letdown upon opening them. After all, the subject line basically says "APPLY FOR MONEY" while the body text says "NOT FOR YOU!"

For the most part, these seem to be private groups spending their own money, so I have no gripe against the concept of the scholarships themselves. Still, even if it's just grumpiness on my part, it would be rather nice if they'd put the relevant race/gender/location restriction in the subject line, so I could just delete the message and go on.

UPDATE: I've discussed this with a friend who pointed out that, despite having very little demographic similarity with myself, she's not eligible for any of the above either. Therefore, I think if I become wealthy enough to endow a scholarship in the future, I shall create "None of the Above" funds, available to any student unable to apply to any other scholarship offered by a participating university that year. That way everyone has at least one envelope to open.


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You also could have tried to make a case for this one last year: The Reed Smith Fellowship was established in 2003 as an annual award to a first-year law student, who has overcome economic and/or social adversity. To compete for this fellowship, students must have a B average in their first-semester course work and submit an essay describing how they encountered and overcame economic and/or social adversity. Applicants must also demonstrate a commitment to the community and involvement in extracurricular activities. The Fellowship recipient will receive a $15,000 scholarship, conditioned upon continued good academic standing and the maintenance of an overall average of at least a B at the close of each academic year."
Definitely agree w.r.t. the "None of the Above" scholarship. And be sure to make it non-need-based. :) But how did your female friend fail to qualify for (9)?
(9) was in combination with another one of the requirements. And today's "offer" was to people who have resided in Bergen County, PA.
Yes, it's worth noting that I stop reading at the first requirement which I don't happen to meet...

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