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Cool App of the Day

As some of my classmates, many of my friends, and all of my ex's well know, I'm not the easiest person to wake up in the morning. Much of my professional life has been spent devising a series of clocks or alarms that manage to actually kick the brain into activation, not just rouse the body. Without that, I just turn off an alarm and fall back asleep, waking only after the important class/interview/date has come and gone.

It seems, however, that I'm not alone in this problem, and that a much brighter mind has come up with an innovative solution: the Wake Me Clock.

The WMC is a simple computer-based alarm clock with a very interesting twist: each morning it selects two entries from a dictionary at random, and won't shut off until you've typed those two words into a text box. In other words, by the time you've stopped whatever racket you've set yourself, you're awake.

Just what the doctor ordered. Now it is simply a matter of deciding on a sound file that is annoying enough to get me out of bed, and yet puts me in the right frame of mind for the day. During exam periods, I generally choose Tweak from South Park ("AAAAAH! Too much pressure!), but those aren't coming for another few months. I generally select some cheesy TV quote, but nothing springs to mind right now.

Any suggestions from the gallery? Past wake-up hits have included:

  • Vorlon from Babylon 5: "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
  • Cartman, South Park: "Bad! That's a bad snake!" (Cartman, by the way, has an incredibly annoying voice, and thus is perfect for waking me up)
  • Joel Cairo (Peter Lorrie), The Maltese Falcon: "You always have a very smooth explanation ready."
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail: "Now you see the violence inherent in the system!"

Still, I think I need to broaden my horizons. Suggestions gratefully accepted. Suggestions with links to WAV files are even better.


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» AV Links of the Day from Half the Sins of Mankind
Those looking for wakeup calls or any other use for a good audio clip should give it a look. [Read More]


I don't know how you'd get it as a .wav file, but the soundtrack for the I've Seen Things animation would probably begin to grate quickly enough to make shutting it up highly desirable.
This... is awesome. As far as Peter Lorre goes, "You despise me, don't you, Rick?" should work. Beavis and Butthead, if you're so inclined. An example is linked in my URL. Lucy's got some 'splaining to do; anything from Gomer Pyle. Theme from Spongebob or the Smurfs. If you can find the old sound clip of Homer Simpson's evil side dancing atop the grave of Homer's good side, that's untouchable: "I am Evil Homer! I am Evil Homer!"
"Resistance is futile" from hitchhiker's guide... "Say hello to my little friend" Scarface B.A.D. used to use some clever samples in teir songs, but I don't remember them...
How about Bill Paxton from Aliens: "Game over! It's game over, man!"
Nearly any Zim or Gir quote from Invader Zim should fit the bill nicely. Gir's "Yay, we're doomed!" and his visit to Santa being favorite.
If you find your new alarm trick insufficient, maybe you should try one of these.

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