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So much to say, but.... no.

The fact of pressing exams and deadlines has, unfortunately, hit me like a brick to the back of the head. There's a lot I'd like to write about, but if you don't hear from me for a couple of days, it's because I've secluded myself in the belly of some deep, hidden library in a desperate attempt to figure out what a "system of estates" is and why anyone would ever care about one.

UPDATE: Given my chronic lack of time at the moment, I can only fear that I'm going to agree with Heidi when she says:

So many more tiny threads make sense. The timing is better. Weird stuff comes together. The theatrical version was just too short.

Those of you who know what she's talking about don't need to be told. The rest of you haven't been marking your calendars.

But given the overwhelming time pressure I feel at the moment, the prospect of feeling a compelling urge to watch five hours of movie fills me with a paradoxical dread.


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» Burn the Witch! from De Novo
(Pre-emptive clarification: The following is not meant to be a smear against my law school, professor or classmates. I just thought the following was a funny coincidence.) The night before my civil procedure exam, I was talking to some fellow... [Read More]

» Burn the Witch! from De Novo
(Pre-emptive clarification: The following is not meant to be a smear against my law school, professor or classmates. I just thought the following was a funny coincidence.) The night before my civil procedure exam, I was talking to some fellow... [Read More]

» Burn the Witch! from De Novo
(Pre-emptive clarification: The following is not meant to be a smear against my law school, professor or classmates. I just thought the following was a funny coincidence.) The night before my civil procedure exam, I was talking to some fellow... [Read More]


Good luck with the studies, friend. I'm sure you've timetabled your studies and revision into a massive project plan of doom. You'll be okay - you're Tony Rickey - you laugh in the face of crushing pressure, or you drown it in coffee and work, I forget which. Take care now.
How is it that the trackback went through but the link is wrong? With such minutiae, I fend off terror. After talking to one of my classmates in the computer lab tonight, I hypothesize that we are prime candidates for one of those incidents of mass hysteria and delusion, like with the Salem witch hunts. No wonder the prof decided to absent himself to another continent during this week. Burn the witch!
Oi. Wish I could give you more helpful advice than "Do your best and don't worry." But all I got is "Remember: Rule Against Perpetuities and Adverse Possession." Which I'm sure you probably already figured out. Good luck! TtP
RotK extended is five hours long? Jebus, I'm glad I never got into Tolkien.

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D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

About time I read this...


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