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"Torrential Rains"?

Oh, worth noting that when I (and many of my fellow classmates) tried to head to midtown for their interviews today, they encountered one of those inconveniences that don't make for very pleasant adventures: the 1/9 line of the New York subway shut down by 'torrential rains.'

All I can say is that a lot of cabbies made a lot of money this morning, some of it mine. Still, other people were stuck in subway cars or left waiting for even longer in the rain than I. I'll just count it lucky that I wasn't unacceptably late for the interview.


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It wasn't just the 1/9. It was the D, E, and V and other lines that run between, well, NYU Law and the places you might want to go to pay the debts incurred at NYU Law.
Oh, I know. But the Columbia students were mostly beset by 1/9 problems. The rest of the city had problems of its own.
I was in a subway care for 2 hours!
I had the great thrill of walking back from 42nd Street, in the rain, with a cold. The lines for a cab down there were blocks long, so be glad you were heading downtown!
I felt very New Yorker-ish because I managed to grab a cab within 15 minutes of emerging from Times Square, so I was only 10 minutes late for my final Legal Methods class. That driver was a wizard through Central Park. One of my classmates was less fortunate; she missed all of morning lecture as well as the legal writing section immediately afterwards. How is it possible that this city can come to a standstill over 3 inches of rain? My old roommate back in DC asked if this was like last year's hurricane, but it wasn't; no power outages, not even very strong winds, just some rain. I didn't even bother with an umbrella. Wimps!

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A Clockwork Orange

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