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Tenuous Connections and Completely Unnecessary Bluebooking

I normally listen to web radio whilst I'm bluebooking things for Law Review. It helps pass the time, and besides, I don't know any decent country music stations in New York. (What a surprise.) And because so much of the work I'm doing doesn't really take my full attention, the mind wanders a bit.

So when I came across a Toby Keith song that reminded me of one of my favorite quotations, I realized I didn't know how to Bluebook either of them. Five minutes later, I came up with this:

Don't bit off more than you can chew
There's things down here the Devil himself wouldn't do
Just remember when you let it all go
What happens down in Mexico stays in Mexico

Toby Keith, Stays in Mexico, on Stays in Mexico (DreamWorks Records 2004).

Which reminded me of:

"FRIAR BARNARDINE. Thou hast committed--

BARABAS. Fornication: but that was in another country;
And besides, the wench is dead."

Christopher Marlowe, The Jew of Malta, (Project Gutenberg, 1997) at href="http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext97/jmlta10.txt.

Yes, it's amazing the things that get linked in the brain when I'm Bluebooking. And seriously, if there's any mistakes in the above, don't point them out, OK?

UPDATE: A friend asks, "What was that entry about, Tony? Well, it wasn't really about Law Review or anything else. Mostly, I'd discovered how to do small-caps in HTML, and wanted an excuse.


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Some pedantry: Good, but "available at" if there exists a printed source. And don't forget the original date of publication. And no comma between publisher and date (contra 'twixt editor and edition, etc.).
So far as I know, there is no printed source of a Project Gutenberg text: that's the point of the project. But the rest is well taken.

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What I'm Reading

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A Clockwork Orange

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