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Do Your Part For Democracy: Screw A Liberal

Amazing what you can learn from the Village Voice.

As the Republican hordes descend upon New York in search of validation and pleasure, Fuck the Vote will be firmly positioned near the convention site in a bus with a fold-out bed in the back.

While the GOP sells itself at the Garden, Nathan Martin, who started the project, hopes the party's faithful might also sell or trade their votes for sex with hot Fuck the Vote models.

At a conference for hackers in midtown on Sunday, Martin presented his project to cheers and laughs.

"Liberals are hotter than conservatives," Martin said, explaining that Fuck the Vote hopes to use this scientifically unproven fact to get liberals to bed conservatives in exchange for a pledge not to vote for George W. Bush.

Now, if I may: if Mr. Martin may posit that liberals are hotter than conservatives, let me posit the "scientifically unproven" fact that Republicans are better strategists. If I'm voting, I'm voting in New York, which means that any vote for Bush is worth precisely nothing. (If Bush carries New York, he's carried the rest of the nation. Don't hold your breath.) And I'm wagering that a goodly number of convention Republicans are going to be native New Yorkers on their own turf.

Somehow, I think there's enough of us to keep Mr. Martin's bed busy, whilst making sure he does absolutely nothing to influence the election. Not that I'm advocating such tactics of course, but if you're Republican, have no scruples, and are looking for what bathroom walls euphemistically describe as a "good time"... well, you know where to go.

(Oh, yeah, check out the video at the Village Voice's site. If they're not your cup of tea, don't bother.)


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Ah, this is much less good than the Shark a Tory campaign one of OUSU's welfare officers once suggested. The plan was to sleep with future Tory MP's and photograph them in compromising positions - the photos would then be released at some future point to strategically end their careers.... The bit I never understood with was why any right thinking young woman (or man) would have wanted to sleep with a future Tory MP, aside from a truly passionate dedication to the cause...
I don't know Martin: my thought would be why go to the bother. If current events--Mr. Ryan of Illinois, for instance--mean anything at all, it seems that conservatives can get in that kind of trouble all by ourselves. I doubt future Tory MPs are any less competent. I'll assume your welfare officer had an unrequited fetish she wanted to indulge...
Hmmm. I have a theory that liberals are better in the sack....
I think I've addressed that sort of nonsense before...
of course liberals are better in the sack. they're more open-minded, and therefore kinkier.
(rolls eyes) I think I shall leave the liberals and the libertarians to duke this one out.
Sigh, and you used to be so keen to assert Republican dominance in this area :-) For what it's worth, Jack Ryan did nothing wrong except claim that there was nothing embarrasing in his divorce filings. It should have all stayed in the closet. He's guilty of nothing but male stupidity. Obama would have probably won anyway...

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