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There is being charitable. Then there is simply being dishonest.

An update on the unfortunate comments of The Honorable Guido Calabresi. It appears that the judge has issued an apology to the 2nd Circuit. But the story doesn't end there. Not if you are under the misguided impression that the New York Times is anything like an honest paper.

The article linked to above is from the NYT website, which carries the coverage via their AP wire. But now look at how that story is altered when it gets into the NYT's New York Region section.

Conspicuously missing from the Times article:

Calabresi went on to say the public should expel Bush from office to cleanse the democratic system. ``That's got nothing to do with the politics of it. It's got to do with the structural reassertion of democracy,'' Calabresi was quoted saying.

(emphasis mine)

On the other hand, this paragraph is a Times exclusive, as far as I can tell:

Judge Walker [chief judge of the appeals court], who by coincidence is President Bush's cousin, did not suggest there would be any further action against Judge Calabresi.

(emphasis yet again mine)

Now, for anyone who knew a damn thing about this affair, the scandal was that Calabresi called for Bush's removal from office: the comparison to Hitler was just a sideline. That, however, gets not a mention from the Fading Lady's writer, who makes it sound like the entire apology is for a Hitler comparison. On the other hand, She can't resist a quick intimation that maybe this is all some form of nepotistic tomfoolery. One more reason to read the Washington Post...

(links via Howard Bashman via The Clerk


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the nyt target market is elderly liberals with ties to europe, so an article referencing hitler sells more papers than one about bush. times articles that subliminally suggest, but never state, hitler clones secretly control washington!!!, are especially popular. 'judge quido today apologized for remarks to a constitution society in which he denied that bush was like hitler, after being leaned on by bush's cousin', the times did not report today. also no mention of whether walker's letter was unethical in light of gop v white. disclaimer: i was once an independent contractor for the times, a rather inept one. disclaimer disclaimer: I litigate about disclaimers, http://majors.blogspot.com.
the nyt target market is elderly liberals with ties to europe, so an article referencing hitler sells more papers than one about bush. times articles that subliminally suggest, but never state, hitler clones secretly control washington!!!, are especially popular. 'judge guido today apologized for remarks to a constitution society in which he denied that bush was like hitler, after being leaned on by bush's cousin', the times did not report today. also no mention of whether walker's letter was unethical in light of gop v white. disclaimer: i was once an independent contractor for the times, a rather inept one. disclaimer disclaimer: I litigate about disclaimers, http://majors.blogspot.com.

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