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Via Boy From Troi, I find that there's a nice article by P.J. O'Rourke up on The Atlantic. It's about the horrible oppressiveness of Republicans agreeing with one another. As always, amusing, as in this passage on reading Ann Coulter:

Now, there's a certain truth in what she says. But it's what's called a "poetic truth." And it's the kind of poetic truth best conveyed late in the evening after six or eight drinks while pounding the bar. I wasn't in a bar. I was in my office. It was the middle of the day. And I was getting a headache.

As for Michael Moore:
Michael Moore's previous book was Stupid White Men, titled in a spirit of gentle persuasion unmatched since Martin Luther, that original Antinomian, wrote Against the Murderous and Thieving Hordes of Peasants. Moore's new book, Dude, Where's My Country?, contains ten chapters of fulminations convincing the convinced. However, Moore does include one chapter on how to argue with a conservative. As if. Approached by someone like Michael Moore, a conservative would drop a quarter in Moore's Starbucks cup and hurriedly walk away. Also, Moore makes this suggestion: "Tell him how dependable conservatives are. When you need something fixed, you call your redneck brother-in-law, don't you?"

To which, the conclusion:

Arguing, in the sense of attempting to convince others, seems to have gone out of fashion with everyone. I'm reduced to arguing with the radio. The distaste for political argument certainly hasn't made politics friendlier�or quieter, given the amount of shouting being done by people who think one thing at people who think the same thing.

I almost forgot he has a new book out:


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i wonder how many people will buy this book from hearing him on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me? he's pretty funny.

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