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Still vacationing...

...so the blogging is light. And I'll admit, I'm behind on reading all the wonderful things that the rest of the blogosphere has written recently.

Nonetheless, I wanted to take some time out and point you to the wonderful SpamBayes project (recommended to me by one of my readers). My father had been under a deluge of 150-200 spams/day. Given our rather obscure home-networking setup which slows down his mail access, this was taking up a lot of his time. I installed the SpamBayes Outlook plug-in, however, and now he's transfixed watching all the spam disappear into a spam folder.

Quite a nifty tool. There's probably a dozen others like it out there, but if you're looking for a good spam filter, you could do a lot worse. Oh yeah, and it's free.


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For those of you who'd rather not use Outlook, there's a Bayesian spam filter in Eudora 6.0 that's very good, according to my experience. The down side is that you have to pay for Eudora to get that functionality, but I think it was worth the cost. I use it exclusively on my Windows boxen. Mozilla's Thunderbird stand alone email client also purports to have a Bayesian spam filter incorporated into it. I use that on my Linux box at home; it's not as good a performer as Eudora on my Windows box, but it's better than nothing, and getting better in the latest version.
For those of you who'd rather not use Outlook, there's a Bayesian spam filter in Eudora 6.0 that's very good, according to my experience. The down side is that you have to pay for Eudora to get that functionality, but I think it was worth the cost. I use it exclusively on my Windows boxen. Mozilla's Thunderbird stand alone email client also purports to have a Bayesian spam filter incorporated into it. I use that on my Linux box at home; it's not as good a performer as Eudora on my Windows box, but it's better than nothing, and getting better in the latest version.
Gaak! Many apologies for the double post; it appeared in my browser that the attempt to post this comment hung without posting, so I resubmitted. I'll submit to the flogging with the wet noodle at your earliest convenience.
Not at all. It happens on here quite often, because MT does a full-rebuild when you post a comment. I have a lot of things scheduled to happen on a full rebuild, and so sometimes things go pop. I'll remove it soon.
You've got cool site. I've bookmarked it and will visit from time to time!!!
Finally i found what i've been looking for!! Your site! ;) Great site, folks!! Unfortunatelly there's too much spam in it.

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D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

About time I read this...


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