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Ambiguous, or Merely Vague?

Today I have received four emails with the subject lines:
She Doesn't Think You're Good Enough
His is Longxer Thaxn Yurs
Not Happy? Try this...
You have a small one hahaha

However, they were merely spam ads for viagra and various pills to 'enhance my manfulliness,' as one of them put it. They were not taunts from fellow classmates about the paucity of my outlining or the impending doom that is my Con Law exam. So thank God for small favors (and write me a reminder to rework my spam filters).

Right now, I think my time would be better spent channelling the ghost of Justice White than actually studying. I mean, at least the prior plan has some hope of success.


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» looks like someone needs a hug from Sua Sponte
Greg posts a surprisingly vituperative response to my rant about grading post yesterday. He's called my bluff, so I should come clean: I didn't actually read his original post. In fact, my post had nothing to do with either Greg... [Read More]

» looks like someone needs a hug from Sua Sponte
Greg posts a surprisingly vituperative response to my rant about grading post yesterday. He's called my bluff, so I should come clean: I didn't actually read his original post. In fact, my post had nothing to do with either Greg... [Read More]


It's not enough for these people to clog our inboxes with ads for their trash, now they must insult our manhood to boot!
I use to never get these things and started getting them suddenly. The only two things I can figure out that i've done differently is that I registered for evite, and that I post my address in the comment sections. You know about computers, is it reasonable to think I'm getting spammed because I put my address on my comments?
I just took my Con Law exam. I have the Chemerinsky hornbook. I read the damned thing. It was a hard exam. I just found your blog. (Did a Google search wondering if mine would come up in a search for 'law blog'.) Anyway, having only read the first two posts, I can only say: don't worry about it. If you've been studying all semester, you'll do fine. Best Regards, Robert
Posting your email address in comments will almost certainly get you spammed thanks to the legions of automated programs that collect any email address they find online. Sad but true.
the best thing about it is that women get just as many of those emails.
Hey, I personally have to swear by Eudora 6.0's spam filter if you use Winblows. It's an adaptive filter, and I have to say that in my experience it's doing a damn good job of filtering. It only takes a few seconds (max) every mail download to scope the Junk folder and catch any false positives (rare, but I've been using Eudora for several months now). The downside is that you have to pay for it, but in my opinion it's worth it. When I'm logged into Linux, I'm using the Mozilla Thunderbird client. The adaptive spam filter for that isn't as good as Eudora's, but it's getting better, and it's easier than using procmail and running Spam Assassin locally (another option a lot of my Linux colleagues use).
I never use my real e-mail address if not truly necessary. Plus, you can always sign up for a "dummy" hotmail account or (if it's just for registration somewhere) use http://www.dodgeit.com. I had an old e-mail address dating back to like 1994-95. I had been steadily getting spammed - the address would show up on mailing list archives, and would then get harvested etc. Not so bad, usually the filters took care of them, but at one point the spammers started sending out e-mails with MY address as the return address. Not only did I get tons of "undeliverable" messages, e-mails I sent to myself at work, etc would also be blocked. Finally had to change that one. Speaking of "adaptive", I also highly recommend SpamBayes, a free (open-source) Bayesian filter. If you use Outlook, there's a plugin available. You can use it under Mac OS X and Linux as well, but it will require a bit more work.
very nice and informal comments. i just surfed in this great place. you do a great job, well done.

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