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Who pays any attention to the syntax of things

Spring is here: I'm walking to and from the law school in short-sleeved shirts with no jacket, and as I wandered home I wondered at the strange gradations of color that pass for sunset in New York, where the horizon is the next block of buildings and the 'sky' is that thing you can see when you look straight up. This morning students were out reading on the college lawns as I wandered schoolwards, and going back the same way this evening there was some event with food and music in front of the Low Library. The air is warm with the clean smell of thawing winter (rather than the stench of coming summer), and the street fair on broadway was full of shiny organic fruits and vendors hawking overpriced ethnic food.

I've lowered the Exam Stress warning to "guarded." While at the library today I covered my last section of Con Law: each topic I've either read in Chemerinsky, briefly covered in Legalines, or suffered through in Sullivan. There's only a little more Crim reading left to do, and even Reg State is down to a manageable minimum. With just under two and a half weeks left, it's now down to outlining and preparing. Since most of my preparation is the act of synthesizing my notes (and I've given up hopes of Law Review), much of the terror has abated. The Rubicon is before me, and tomorrow the bridges get burnt.

So tonight I'm wandering the city with my girlfriend, our evening's agenda still unknown. When she arrives, I think we'll walk down Broadway for a couple of stops, take in the final moments of twilight as it drifts away, and then head out for adventures unknown.

Incidentally, if you're lucky enough to find a companion during your 1L year, seize that particular opportunity with both hands. I'm going to break my standard policy of not talking about my personal life to say that finding someone understanding of a 1L's schedule, who can put up with the fact that you're available only at odd hours and that your one instant topic of conversation regards your workload, is an circumstance of tender mercy. If she knows how to cook brilliant halibut cooked with saffron, yogurt and shallots, all the better. But during this madcap silly season, having someone to share with is really the crowning glory.

A 1L I was chatting to yesterday murmurred something about being happy that they were single, because "otherwise my grades would be suffering so badly." To which I can only quote the poem from which I stole the title of this post:

my blood approves,
and kisses are a better fate
than wisdom
lady i swear by all flowers. Don't cry
--the best gesture of my brain is less than
your eyelids' flutter...

OK, sappiness over. I promise I'll say something political or curmudgeonly tomorrow, when it's back to work, but I'm off for the evening.


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» Learning From the Honor Students from Venturpreneur
This is the first in what I hope will be a regular feature of this blog: a review of my favorite posts from the Law Student Blog Honor Roll. As I wrote when I first introduced the Honor Roll, I... [Read More]

» Agreement! At last! from Letters of Marque
Since we seem to spend most of our time of late squabbling, I wanted to point out that I completely agree with Anthony Rickey here:Incidentally, if you're lucky enough to find a companion during your 1L year, seize that particular... [Read More]

» Significant Other Redux from Waddling Thunder, mach 2.0
There's a lively discussion going on in other parts about the putative benefits of having some sort of significant other in law school. [Read More]

» Appreciating K from Life and Law
Now I'm not writing about this to earn extra points with K (though it will be a positive side effect), but after reading this post from Anthony Rickey's Three Years of Hell, I felt extremely fortunate for having someone by... [Read More]

» Appreciating K from Life and Law
Now I'm not writing about this to earn extra points with K (though it will be a positive side effect), but after reading this post from Anthony Rickey's Three Years of Hell, I felt extremely fortunate for having someone by... [Read More]

» Appreciating K from Life and Law
Now I'm not writing about this to earn extra points with K (though it will be a positive side effect), but after reading this post from Anthony Rickey's Three Years of Hell, I felt extremely fortunate for having someone by... [Read More]

» Appreciating K from Life and Law
Now I'm not writing about this to earn extra points with K (though it will be a positive side effect), but after reading this post from Anthony Rickey's Three Years of Hell, I felt extremely fortunate for having someone by... [Read More]


i agree. if your partner can't be a law student, at least let it be someone that understands your schedule and feigns interest when you explain the commerce clause or adverse posession.
I managed to find a woman to date second semester of my 1L year. Thank god she wasn't a law student, and that she insisted that I talk about other things when I was with her. If I hadn't had that release, I'd have gone to the top floor of Abbott Hall with a deer rifle and started taking pot shots....
Sorry for all the trackbacks. I changed one thing in my post, saved it, then decided to categorize it, then saved again.

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