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RE: Your Junk Bulk-Mailing �Strategy�

Dear Sirs:

Today, for the second time, I received an offer to consolidate my student loans through your company. Just like the last time, your offer was masquerading in the form of a bill: the outside of the envelope is stamped SECOND NOTICE and there's a subject line reading "RE: Student loan payment."

I was very tired today, and when I pulled your letter out of the mailbox, I just saw the bright red unfriendly SECOND NOTICE. Thinking it was a bill, I opened it immediately, only to see a 'pre-approval' for consolidation.

Now, let me write this in simple words, so that even your obviously obtuse marketing department can understand. Under no circumstances will I ever use your services. I would not entrust thousands of dollars to a corporation who believes that sending me advertisements trussed up like late billing notices is a good idea. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth to get your 'exciting offer' right after you've summoned up visions of late fees and service cancellationsf. Even supposing such a strategy is ethical, it's very, very dumb.

Yours truly,

A. Rickey


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Just wait until they start calling you! I am already in "phase two" of their marketing roll out scheme.
or when you are so used to getting junk mail with second notice warnings on them that you put your very late gas bill on your desk (to soon be buried by other things) instead of opening it right away. crying wolves, sheep clothing, and the shepherds that deliver. byaaah.
You went way too easy on 'em!
They call me at least 5 times a day, every single day, starting at 8:00 a.m. I ask them to stop calling, but they keep on doing it!
Tell them you'll report them to the Do Not Call registry!
These people who are calling you are hard working individuals, trying to earn a living selling a valuable service that saves people money. Take a moment of your busy day and listen to what they have to say. You may be surprised, you may even be interested. CFS is a great company to do business with and a great company to work for!
I've deleted a couple of comments from this post. They were wildly inflammatory and full of accusations that may very well not be true. I don't like CFS, but I'm not about to put up with that kind of thing. I mean, anyone who signs with the mailing address "fuckoff@yahoo.com" isn't getting much respect from me anyway.
I too would not do business with a company like this. I got a letter today also that looks like a late bill not paid. When I opened it I see that its written like its from my actual lender. No where could I find the name of who sent this until I turned it over and saw their name in very very small print. If they are ashamed of their own name I don't intend to use them. I don't trust any company with this kind of shady advertising practices!
Someone please ask Mrs. Wrenn if she still enjoys working there. BTW she doesn't work at CFS any longer. Um, she is pursuing other career opportunities.

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