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Washington Revisionism

I've not really commented on Richard Clarke's 'accusations' yet, simply because it doesn't seem that much of an issue to me. Whatever Rice testifies, whatever the screeching over at the Daily Kos, I can't see this making much difference. I'm sure that a careful evaluation of Clarke's critique, taking into account his self-interested tale, remaining mindful of the protective instinct the Bush administration will have towards its reputation, and remembering that everyone is wise after the fact could result in some helpful insights that would inform policymaking decisions over the next few years.

But this is an election year. I'm more likely to give birth to a baby in the middle of my Con Law exam than I am to see reasonable bipartisanship come out of a Congressional committee. Furthermore, as I have a firm conviction that the American people are more sensible than they are normally credited, I doubt this will change all that many minds. Any fair critique of the whole debacle would praise President Bush's hidden economic plan: while it is all being done at government expense, the demand for talking heads, network cameramen, and other hangers on may be singularly responsible for improved job figures.

There's been some good coverage of this particular brand of silliness, in which one side would like to assure us that if only Alpha-Male Al had been in the White House, Clinton's 'get tough' policy of random bombings would have saved the day, and the other side is so dead set on insisting no mistakes were made that you almost expect Condi to come out and claim that 9/11 was all part of a deep, ingenious Bush masterplan to end international terrorism once and for all. Some highlights:

  • Easterbrook gives an alternate history of the Bush presidency if we'd invaded Afghanistan prior to 9/11. It could only be improved by more quotes from those indulging in the luxury of hindsight. Say, Ted Kennedy.
  • Robert Samuelson writes sense: that all of this drama revolves on false premises.
  • Back when I lived in Alabama, I remember a classmate saying to a forgetful young man, "I hope your phallus is longer than your memory." (Well, he said something else, but you get the drift.) Professor Bainbridge makes one wonder the same thing about Chris Matthews...


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