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I'm sorry you haven't heard from me for a while. Life has all of a sudden gone sort of hectic. I've been making plans to be in England next weekend for one of my oldest friend's weddings, and managed to leave one of the most important items off my list.

This, in turn, kicked off feelings of self-loathing at my chronic disorganization, resulting in me resolving to clear my task list and manage my 'to-dos' more effectively. As a result, I've spent most of the last two days organizing papers, getting laundry finished, getting (slightly) ahead or at least caught up in my reading, and in general turning myself into a giant ball of stress.

(A note of thanks goes out at this point to my girlfriend. When she arrived Saturday night she found a maniac who had somehow covered his room in stacks of bills, debt statements, and account summaries. Instead of wondering what had happened to her boyfriend, she very calmly took it in stride and began organizing the stacks of paper by date. As a result, hours of labor this morning became... fewer hours of labor. Two inches of otherwise-sure-to-have-receeded hairline owe her their eternal gratitude.)

As of this evening:
a) All my accounts are up to date. This means that I can tell you to the penny how much I owe the Access Group. Suddenly I'm much more inspired to work.
b) I have contacted the Inland Revenue, various family members, and some other people to whom I either owed or was owed money, and made good/notified the debt.
c) My task list currently reflects reality, rather than being a hodge-podge of overdue tasks that either needed updating, performing, or triaging.
d) Crim and Perspectives are done for tomorrow. Con Law is in the first stages of (effective) outlining. And thanks to another member of the Group, the study group has its first real preparation project.

All in all, not bad. Nothing like a solid disaster (more on this later) to focus the mind.


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Giving The Devil His Due

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What I'm Reading

D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

About time I read this...


Projects I've Been Involved With

A Round-the-World Travel Blog: Devil May Care (A new round-the-world travel blog, co-written with my wife)
Parents for Inclusive Education (From my Clinic)

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