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Fie on Thee, Ironical Gods!

I have a peculiar relationship with the universe. Every so often I make a decision, and the universe seems dead set on telling me how wrong I was. For instance, I'd considered sucking it up all term and buying a ticket to England for this vacation, so I could catch up with my friends on the other side of the Big Lake. But knowing I'd be going to A.'s wedding soon, I figured I'd be better off spending the break studying, and taking a little impromptu 'vacation' of my own later. A law student should be responsible and at least sometimes wise, I thought to myself.

The universe, it seems, disagrees. First of all, I learned this morning that a fair number of my friends who worked for a certain technology company were laid off. They'd not been paid on time for several months, and now they've been 'made redundant,' to use that peculiar British phrase. I really, really wish I could be there right now, because when my old company went through hard times, they were there for me. If any of them are reading, best wishes, folks, and if you need to crash in NYC for a bit of R&R, give me a bell.

This all hit me before I'd even opened my curtains this morning. When I did, however, I found that the universe had pulled its latest practical joke. That strange chill that was in the air all evening? Oh, yes, it's snow. Yesterday, the sun spilled over campus, women were in shorts and short skirts, and I failed to recognize a friend because without sunglasses you couldn't see for the glare. Today, visibility is similarly slight, but because the city is in blizzard conditions.

I stopped for a Starbucks and watched the flakes fall forlornly as my the silver frosting on my coat melted to wet. So far there's been no accumulation, but it's taking longer and longer for each snowflake to melt...

Fie, fie, I say!


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So I take it you don't want to hear about how it's been sunny and clear and about... mid seventies to low eighties here in Santa Cruz?

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A Round-the-World Travel Blog: Devil May Care (A new round-the-world travel blog, co-written with my wife)
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