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Absent thoughts

Dear Wormwood:

This is probably the longest break from blogging that Three Years of Hell has seen since its inception, and I probably owe you an apology. This week has been the roughest I've had at law school, and it may only get worse.

Following my Moot Court brief, I managed to come down with a pretty horrible head cold, which settled in and made itself comfortable for most of the week. Thus whatever happened in the last five days was seen through a perpetual scrim of NyQuil and DayQuil, and was only half-real to begin with. I found myself walking away from conversations with friends and colleagues wondering what I'd said and why I'd said it. There's a good reason for me never to become a drug addict, I guess.

As a result, I'm probably a week behind in my reading, a complaint common to a lot of the Columbia 1Ls. (The terror of the first semester must be over, because I'm finding that class attendance is down in general: you know the sessions that will help you on your finals and the ones that you might as well spend the hour at home reading.) My Reg. State paper was finished just before the deadline, there's an ocean of Perspectives to catch up on, and even my task list hasn't been updated in a week.

The good--or bad, depending on how you look at it--news is that next week is spring break. I'm always bad at planning for vacations, and since it's been years since my vacations weren't taken at my discretion, spring break kind of snuck up on me. New Orleans or Florida seem to be

I'm going to a wedding in England in a few weeks, so there's no money for another plane flight, and that and my workload convinced me to stay in New York and just get caught up and ready for the sprint to exams. But as some advice, Wormwood, if you're in this situation next year, plan ahead. Knowing that you won't have Spring Break to catch up will keep you on your toes, so you don't fall behind beforehand.

In any event, I'm not that concerned about staying in New York. For once I have a reason to spread my wings a little and go see this strange and curious city in all its glory. At the moment, I know little more than what goes up and down Broadway and the cloistered campus that is Morningside Heights. With any luck, I'll start correcting that soon.


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“429 Words on Playing Games.” From j. concurring in dissent comes some wise words about playing soccer with law school friends.  J. managed to injure himself and asks, “Why does a somewhat rational human being engage in physically self-destr... [Read More]


The date's all set at 11th June for the wedding, by the way. Assuming you're referring to mine.... Just in case your high organisation level didn't include this key information.
Congrats on making it---although it's no treat after spring break, it's a bigger deal than people realize just to make it this far. And enjoy a well-deserved break. Kudos, by the way, on staying in New York. Although I'm contemplating some mock-offense that you'd say Morningside Heights is not, in fact, the heart & soul of our fair city. Finally, some unsolicited advice: If you want to waste a lot of time, try very hard to get something productive done the first two days off. But if you want to get something productive done, try very hard to waste time your first two days off. A little bit of decompression is the key to dealing with L. Sch. without going nuts.
I'm very sorry to hear that you were sick. The one thing that I hate about being in school is getting sick (other than the idiocracy of Politics students and fellow flat mates who don't know how to clean up after themselves). I, myself, had my fair share of sicknesses and depression so far this quarter and I can relate. My neighbor found this herbal Chinese medicine for sore throats which also happens to be good if you are sick in general. It was pretty cheap too. It's called "Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa: Oral Demulcent/Sore throat surup." It has a lot of good herbs and honey. I have found that the surup along with lots of hot showers and an insurmountable amount of tea (and my bathrobe) have helped me through sickness (not depression, that's a whole different thing). I'm glad to hear that you're Spring Break is coming up soon. Mine is too! But before I go, I have three take home finals, one due tomorrow and two due on Wednesday. I know they are nothing like your finals or papers or tests but right now things seem ... like more stress than one can handle. Today I'm writing my "Politics in Latin America" exam to be handed in tomorrow morning. The one class that I'm not doing well in. I am working my buns off. Sorry to ramble in your journal. Don't forget to update and say some things about New York City! Best of luck, ~Butterfly

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