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Only 7:30?

It's been a long, long day.

My moot court second draft got handed in, a bit late, but with something approaching a coherent and ordered argument. Not a winning argument, as I'm backing a police department that I have every reason to suspect acted like a real louse, but an argument nonetheless.

I ended up speaking at a panel on affirmative action. A lot more fun than I expected, really. One thing about law school: if you end up in a debate with people, they're likely to be both entertaining, informed and polite. The best bit had to be two commentators, one who believed that affirmative action was great if you were a socialist correcting a social problem, and the other who believe that, in fct, it was good because it brought us closer to capitalism. Hey, it's a level of debate you don't get on the New York Times op-ed page.

Job search situations and a mountain of laundry, as well as Reg State, are gobbling a significant portion of my evening. Why did I bother buying a TV card, when I'm never going to have time to watch it?


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Just curious -- what is your issue for moot court?
Hang in there my man. Good luck.
Moot court winners are very often the ones who had bad facts and bad law on their side...the competition is to see who makes the most of their side of the case.

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D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

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