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Much News, But Not Now

There has been news on the job front, and it's good news, but since nothing is decided yet, I won't blog about it. Suffice it to say I'm happier than I was on Thursday night.

On Thursday night, of course, I was pretty happy. In an act of premature celebration about my summer job situation, I spent far too much money on access to a charity poker game. That said, my personal splurge resulted in a healthy donation to the Public Interest Law Foundation. Since a friend of mine recently chastised me quite strongly for mocking too-often their overwhelmingly liberal bent (I did notice with some surprise that they were willing to auction from the right-side of the podium) I'll let that aside and instead say I'm looking forward to a good game of poker, and I hope whoever's summer crusade I've funded thinks an occasional kind thought towards Republicans as a result.

Finally, my latest distraction from studying is designing and implementing a website for law school society that will remain unnamed for the moment. In order to keep this from being too large a commitment, I'm trying to implement the site with a content management system, so that the society board can update it without much of my help. I'll probably just use a hack of Moveabletype to spit out the code, as it already has plenty of useful plug-ins. But I'm tempted to use a new CMS called Textpattern. It's PHP-based, looks pretty secure, and does most of what I want.

It was first referred to me by someone who got the name wrong, and said I might be interested in using Textualism to implement my site. It's a shame this isn't the real name, since I was really looking forward to implementing a law school webpage that could legitimately say it was powered by Textualism.


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Not necessary, Mark! Look at Blue Deer. It is, indeed, a great Blue Deer site - and can be seen at Blue Deer http://blue-deer.webeve.com/ Blue Deer.

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What I'm Reading

D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

About time I read this...


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A Round-the-World Travel Blog: Devil May Care (A new round-the-world travel blog, co-written with my wife)
Parents for Inclusive Education (From my Clinic)

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