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According to The Drudge Report (breaker of the story of the infamous blue dress with its infamous stain), Kerry has his own intern problems.

Say it ain't so, Kerry. Say it ain't so.

Update: My favorite Columbia target, The Filibuster asks: "More importantly, why does God hate the Democratic Party?" This is such a loaded question with so many obvious answers that I leave it as an exercise for my readers. My comments section is open--keep it clean, folks.


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Because the Democratic Party hates God?
If you had come to the speech in the Low Library on Tuesday night you would know the answer.
I dunno, I'm fairly sceptical that indicates anything like god hating democrats. first of all, it is drudge. mr reliable & ethical & accuracy (and yes, mr i once had a great scoop or two). secondly, if clark was mentioning this, and thought kerry would implode, why'd he drop out? third, i like edwards better anyway.
Joel: Certainly, if Bill Clinton were the problem, it would have been simpler for God to just smith him where he stood?
I dunno, I'm fairly sceptical that indicates anything like god hating democrats. if anything it sounds like a mixture of karl rove hating democrats/mixed blessing. that is: first of all, it is drudge. mr reliable & ethical & accuracy (and yes, mr i once had a great scoop or two). secondly, if clark was mentioning this, and thought kerry would implode, why'd he drop out? third, i like edwards better anyway.
Anthony, as the death penalty opponents argue, it is far more painful for him to hang around for the next forty years, watching history render its verdict on his presidency. I actually attended the speech and I came away feeling pity for the man. He was once President of the United States and he still lives for the applause. The man has no center. There is no there, there.
Toluca Jim: Oh, you're spoiling the fun. Look, I didn't wail that God hates the Democratic Party--a blog that has nothing approaching a Republican on it did. It's a cheap setup for some bad political punch lines, and you insist on taking it seriously! Come on, mate, stick it to the Democrats while you've got the chance, you know you want to! ;-) In all seriousness, I don't know how to take the allegations, but they're certainly not that critical one way or the other. They only document an affair, and that doesn't hurt Kerry's electability. It's too early in the race for it to matter in November. Almost certainly, this is much ado about nothing. And yet the Filibuster is gnashing its teeth, breaking out its best sackcloth and ashes, and wondering why they deserve divine retribution. If that's the case, the least you can do is give them an answer! ;) (Sorry, TJ, this whole thing is just not one of my more serious posts.)
Anthony/Tony I know I know, sorry to come off as a killjoy. I thought my post was relatively light-hearted too. Well, at least that's why I tried to stop posting the first version & add the bit about it not being God hating Democrats so much as Karl Rove hating Democrats. By the way, when posting comments (& this happens both @ home & @ work), at first there are no boxes to enter personal information. Hitting "post" results in an error message to that effect, and then the boxes are there. also, if i hit "preview" i see the boxes. Is that intentional, is there a glitch, or are both computers I'm using somehow screwed up?
Dear Toluca Jim: Yeah, I'm trying to fix that error--it drives me nuts. It happens mostly in Internet Explorer 6.0, so far as I can tell. These 'comments' pages are the standard Moveabletype installations, and I think I may have messed something up in the style sheet, but heck if I know what it is. It's on my list to fix. Sorry! :(

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