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Things I Didn't Know

Note for future 1Ls applying for jobs: read the directions.

We had a big presentation last term which included the fact that we weren't allowed to write GPAs on our resumes. "Fair enough," I figured, "they want employers to make their initial selection based upon resumes and not GPA or class rank. We can send a transcript if the employer requests it. That makes some sense. Not sure if I disagree with it or not, but I can make heads or tails of it."

So I've sent out a bundle of resumes, sans any information on grades. Today I talked to Careers Services, who told me this was a mistake.

Apparently the policy is that you can't send out a GPA. You can, however, give a highly-skilled recruiter your transcript, with three letter grades that they can turn into a GPA whenever it suits them. Try as I might, I really can't find a justification behind that policy. I presume one exists, but it doesn't pop into my head.

Moral of the story: don't assume that something's so just because you figure it makes sense. Check with the folks who know the rules. (Which means, incidentally, don't take my word for it. I'm giving you the benefit of my mistakes.)


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I don't get it, why such a complicated system??!!?!?!? visit my website :)
I've never heard of this "rule" either. The only thing that occurs to me is that the actual letters can't be fudged, but the calculation of gpa can be (although I don't know how to do it). Overall, it seems like a rule without any rhyme or reason.
Oh, I suppose I should have been more explicit: I think it's just a Columbia rule...
Twenty someodd years ago, when I was a law student at Northwestern, I had a recruiter tell me that a simple GPA number was practically worthless to them because different law schools have different ways they calculate GPA--though NU's explicit policy was that GPAs were calculated only for internal purposes (like issuing Law Review invitations) and that they did not officially rank students or release GPAs for external consumption. If I'm understanding what you're saying correctly (that you're allowed to tell your prospective employers your grades, but not your Columbia-calculated GPA), it may be that the employers are expected to calculate a GPA for you according to their own standard method. It's all gamesmanship anyway....
Heheh, you should keep in mind the dictum "the law isn't logic, it is history". Applies to any arbitrary rules or regulations: they don't make SENSE, they just ARE.

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