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Intolerance of Tolerance

Amy Lamboley quotes John Coleman on Libertarians:

Here�s the breakdown: On the negative side, Libertarians are crazy. Most became Libertarians because they have some social quirk that disallows them from participation in normal society � picture excessive drug use, Dungeons and Dragons play or fascination with the word �metrosexual,� for instance. They are strange. You can�t take them home to your parents, unless, of course, your parents are members of some druid cult. They frighten small children.

On the positive side, they may be weird, but at least they want to leave you alone. Putting most politicians in office is like putting Michael Jackson in charge of a day care facility � they might not do anything wrong, but you feel pretty uncomfortable leaving them alone.

As long as we're indulging in stereotypes, Coleman misses the best thing about Libertarians: among even the most raving, most are tolerant. I mean really, truly tolerant, not just willing to listen to those who don't want to gore their particular ox. A social conservative will yap at you forever about how wonderful the market is, but tell him your daughter's a prostitute and you're in for some stern looks. Similarly, your stereotypical liberal will tell you to do anything you want, so long as it makes you happy. Don't tell them that what makes you happy is going to Church. And talk to either of them about role playing and they'll want to condemn you to Hell (conservative) or a caring psychiatric institution (liberal).

True, some of it is socialization: if you've spent most of your life following the words, "No, I don't belong to the Liberal Party" with a long explanation of Hayek, you're less likely to be judgmental about someone who's main form of social interaction is rapper dancing [1]. But whatever it is, there's something to be said for it. I'm not a Libertarian, but I learned a long time ago that you hang around a group of them for a while, you're sure to learn someting.

[1]Rapper dancing "involves five people connected by short, two-handled, flexible swords (rappers) forming an unbroken chain", and has absolutely nothing to do with Mtv or Puff Daddy.


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Well, I'm clearly not fit for normal society - my past involves role-playing, rapper dancing, intoxicating substances and occasionally going to church! Still, I don't seem to frighten either small children or your parents :-)
What a wonderfully tolerant viewpoint for a person who claims not to be libertarian.
They don't have a monopoly, you know...

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