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Dean Freaks

There's been a lot written on the Club for Growth's anti-Dean attack ad, which is admittedly quite clumsy and far of the mark. Sometimes people are their own worst enemies.

Still, I think a lot of the criticism ignores the fact that the ad will be effective. My friend Martin at Monograph or Ambivalent Imbroglio (the link above) are both approving, but then, they're not from 'red' or 'flyover territory' America. Dean for America is capitalizing on this, of course, and it will energize his base... but the 'Freak Show' ad is going to have its effect to, and it would be good for Dean to marginalize it. Dean for America:

Or what about those lattes? A report by the Christian Science Monitor (not the New York Times, mind you) notes that Michael Gerson, the president's speechwriter, does his writing in Starbucks. The words coming out of George Bush's mouth at any moment may have been written over a latte!

And, of course, is the most stupidly textualist way, Dean's right. But 'latte-drinking' is a pejorative to a lot of 'flyover' people, many of whom drink quite a few lattes themselves. These folks are to lattes what Madonna is to crucifixes: sure, they know what they're holding, but they don't take it seriously.

The Ambivalents of this world, and those too quick to dismiss the commercial, should take note of it anyway, and not just to mock. The commercial makes out Dean supporters to fit a demographic profile, and any good marketing man will tell you that while no such profile fits in all particulars, they can be valuable in describing your customer base. That description doesn't meet the core demographic of Iowa, but I wonder how closely it fits the bulk of Dean's support. Among Democrats, this kind of thing may not be effective, but in the general election, Dean will need a broader base of support. The candidate who lectures Southerners about the issues that must be important to them will make as many enemies as he does friends.


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I think its more interesting that the club for growth see this more as a general election ad than one that will influence the primary. I can't see democrats of any flavour wanting to sign up to this. I may be wrong though. More effective I think is the Dean campaigns response, the photos of supporters with captions like family raising church going greenbay packer watching dean supporter I think that these ads would actually be one of the most potent ways to dismiss the image of the campaign as a leftwing, kids plaything. I think the ad will do that kind of 'consolidating the base' thing that politicians keep talking about.
I saw that ad on the Daily Show last night and thought it was a joke. I can't believe someone actually produced an ad like that.
I'm wondering out loud ... is it "[lecturing] Southerners about the issues that must be important to them" to say, "Look, voting for me will lead to direct improvements in your life, but voting for Bush won't settle any issue in the realm of divine providence, 2nd Amendment, or sexual orientation"? The alternative for Democrats is to concede the debate to the Right, since they have neither the desire nor the ability to say "See, we're just as narrow-mindedly Christian as the Repubs! We're just as fanatical about gun rights! And don't get us started on how much gays disgust us!" I read Dean's message as "We're not going to agree on sexual orientation, and frankly, we don't have to. It's a cultural issue ... I'm a politician, and I'll improve your life in the political realm if you vote for me."
Which, John, might be a nice summary of what he should have said--it certainly isn't what he said.

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