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Yes, that's right, the alert's so far up there, it's off the spectrum. My alarm has risen to such a pitch that dogs blocks away are covering their ears in pain, and bats are falling out of the sky in confusion.

Just another day at the Malebolge. I thought I understood this stuff: I'd put together a reasonable set of notes, compiled tests into an outline, all that good prep stuff. Then I looked at the past papers and commentary.

My only explanation is that Prof. Civ Pro not only teaches civil procedure, but also teaches a course in motorcycle maintenance, and through one of the monumental acts of silliness for which I'm well known, I accidentally showed up at the latter class all semester. I can't honestly be this clueless about the subject, can I?

Anyway, we're not allowed to use internet research on this exam, but I'll probably take the time out to blog some irrelevancies between 4PM tomorrow and 4PM Friday anyway. If you see a post that looks like gibberish (or, indeed, detailed specifications of a 1973 Harley Davidson), you know what's happened.

Update: For the person who just emailed me wondering if Prof. Civ Pro is actually good with motorcycles--no, I really am that clueless. Or who knows, she might be, but it was an attempt at self-depricating humor.


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Well, I don't know joinder from a hole in my head, and I'm planning to pick up my exam in less than 12 hours. And I just spent the last two hours booking a trip to Tahoe for next week. I just can't summon up that much concern about Civ Pro right now, particularly since ours is open-everything. Good luck!

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