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Pro-Life Hacking?

So, here's something embarassing that happened to me in Contracts. For reasons of my own I was googling for 'topiary garden,' and found a site that seemed to be a list of links to famous gardens. The top two links worked. Then I clicked on the third.

The URL seemed to go to a topiary site. Indeed, the site's TITLE tag involved gardening. What appeared on screen, however, were very, very graphic photographs of partial-birth abortion, complete with very boldfaced text regarding the evils of the procedure.

(Did I mention that I sit in the front row of my Contracts class? If any of my readers sit behind me and happened to have seen this, please consider this an apology.)

I took a look at the site when I got home, and for all the world it looked like a hack, as opposed to a site put up by an anti-abortionist to fool web-spiders. Also, I've noticed that, every so often, when I'm doing a Google or Altavista image search, similar images will turn up for inappropriate keywords.

Does anyone else know anything about this? I've tried searching the web for articles on who might be responsible, or what they're doing. I can say that, whatever one's position on abortion, this is one of the lousiest tactics I've ever seen. I'd welcome more information, since this is the kind of thing that gets my hackles up.


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Don't know if you saw a hacked site, or an anti-abortion 'honeypot'; such activists are indeed known to have put up sites like the one you stumbled upon with bogus keywords in them. Just one more thing making the net less useful (keyword spamming such as this).
That's the thing--it wasn't keyword spamming. The site was directly linked off of another site which was what seemed to be a hand-built list of topiary gardens: essentially, a link from a hobbyist's site to what purported to be another hobbyist's site. So the anti-abortionist would have to have researched and built a topiary site, with several working links, in order to hide his screed in it. I can't imagine doing that.

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