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How can anyone vote for this man?

Frequent readers will know that I have a special loathing for a man who is now my senator, Charles Schumer. Believe it or not, it's not his political views (he's not as far to the left as some), but just him. I've never understood how anyone could work for, much less vote for, this travesty of a dung-hurling chimp masquerading as a senator of the United States. Case in point from his questioning of Janice Brown:

Schumer: Do you stand by your views in Santa Monica Beach v. Superior Court about the demise of the Lochner era and the revolution of 1937?
Brown: (long pause) (sigh) Well, the cases . . . say what they say, and I hope that I always try to do an analysis that is very accessible, that anybody who reads it can understand what I've sad.
Schumer: So you do stand by them.
Brown: (shaking her head) I have tried to write--
Schumer: (interrupting) You can answer that yes or no.
Brown: Well, the cases are there. I guess that's--
Schumer: (interrupting) So the answer is yes?
Brown: Well, the concern I have, Senator, is that you started off making a lot of statements...
Schumer: (interrupting) But--
Hatch: (interrupting) Let her answer the question
Brown: ...about what that was and what my views were and what that meant. So all I'm saying is what's in the cases is in the cases, and it should be clear.
Schumer: I'm gonna take that as, you stand by those views, 'cause you haven't refuted them here, and you said what's in there is in there. Thank you Mr. Chairman.

(transcription via Crescat Sententia)

Who cares about his political views? Any man who speaks this way to a lady is an asshole. Any man who speaks this way to a lady in public is not only an asshole but nothing approaching a gentleman. And any man who would do so in front of a camera not only lacks in manners, but in an appreciation of how dispicable he looks.


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it could be worse; hilary could be your senator. (As it is, I'd take Charlie over Hilary any day... of course, that's trading one evil for another, but still...) Hilary's championing of our town is peculiarly like the Ypsilanti v GM case, too... ya gotta hope that she's learned something from Ypsilanti, though. 3500 people with no jobs ain't cool.
OK... hold on a second. How can one be your senator and the other not be? Or is that an intentionally ironic statement that I missed?
ummm... I'm in the same state as you are. Hilary and Chucky are our senators.
I'm of the same opinion as George Will on this one: that when Moynihan retired, they should have retired his seat with him.
To a lady specifically? Or to a person of either sex?
Call me old fashioned--it's particularly upsetting to speak that way to a lady. But it's pretty rude to do it to anyone.

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