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Because I've got *so* much free time on my hands

I'm sure it's just there's a lot of work that I'm not doing, but I'm finding that I have a few stress-free moments in which to do other things. This weekend, for instance, I managed to see Fritz Lang's M, a fantastic old black and white film with Peter Lorre.

Today I checked a copy of F. W. Maitland's The Forms of Action at Common Law, at the suggestion of one of the 2Ls I've met. The law library here isn't quite as old, musty, and archaic as the Bodelian, but it's getting there, and it definitely has that same feel of thousands of books, most of which languish untouched for ages.

The book itself has a few virtues that recommend it to a starting law student. First, it covers a number of basic concepts from which modern law has evolved, even though they're not directly relevant anymore. Secondly, it's not on a syllabus, so it can be considered to be 'reading for pleasure.' And thirdly, it's quite short, so I can't feel too guilty for taking an hour out to read it.


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Anthony, Anthony, Anthony.... There's something desperately wrong when I, who left the law precisely because the 16-18 hour days sucked, am now working 16-18 hour days as an IT peon, whereas you, newly minted 1L, have real honest to Gawd free time!!!! Obviously you're not doing something right. Cheers, LRC (who'll dig himself out of the computer viral trash dump soon)
No, no. First of all, Legal Methods is supposed to be mere prelude to workload hell. Secondly, I don't have a lot of free time... I'm just giving up on such luxuries as sleep, proper diet, and a sex life. :) And besides, I'm sure that once several thousand frustrated sysadmins have tracked down the few little punks who make these viruses and shoved various of said punks' computer components into bodily orifices not normally meant for electronic input-output, your workload will die down. I really hadn't realized (having a fairly protected IT system) just how bad things had gotten in the last two weeks. You've got my sympathy, man.

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D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

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