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Confession of a Wayward Republican

I shouldn't say this in a public forum, since it's going to ruin my republican credentials, but I've got to get it off my chest. I hate Fox News. It's dumbed-down news, and having watched about an hour (or listened to it while my father watched), I found myself yelling, "Would you stop telling me that you feel comfortable with the situation in Iraq and tell me what the [expletive deleted] situation is?"

OK, I hate CNN for being dumbed-down left wing dribble, but dumbed-down right-wing dribble is no better. In fact, since I share political stripes with these idiots, it's downright embarassing.

Didn't The Economist do a TV channel for a while? How could I subscribe?


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Once upon a time, I commented on one of your entries that I don't mind principled conservatism. Your distaste for Faux News Channel is an example of why I don't mind revisiting your webspace here, even if you're on the opposing side of the political fence. Don't be ashamed of your inability to stomach Faux... Cheers, LRC
This doesn't ruin your credentials, this only enhances your credibility on political positions. Notice the general liberal outpouring of support when Fox is denounced... :) heh
This entry is part and parcel of one of my long-running jokes--that I'm a very bad Republican, and they'll kick me out of the party. It started when an Oxford friend of mine, whilst quite drunk, was yelling at me about how all Americans are huge bloated fatties who all drive gas-guzzling SUVs and refuse to have a decent system of public transport. I pointed out to him that I took a bus to work (turning my commute from half an hour to seventy minutes) and owned no car, while he drove a very large and fuel-inefficient [1] motor over an hour to work. The difference between our waistlines was obvious. At which point a wag looked over and said, "Tony, you're a very bad Republican, and they ought to kick you out of the party." [1] In fairness to my friend, it was inefficient for a European car, which means it would go about 150 miles further on a tank of gas than an SUV.

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