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Evil Prehistoric Beasties

Thanks to my fellow CLS friend who has convinced me to enter a 10K run when I get to New York, I shall now be starting school with a bit of hair, instead of my shaven scalp of monk-like discipline. How has this happened?

Today was my first practice run. The good news is that of four miles, I ran about three of it, and finished in under an hour. The better news is that I never stopped, although I did reduce myself to fast walking when willpower gave out. Not beautiful, but there's hope for a boy whose body is so out of shape he could donate it to science fiction. [1]

The bad news is that while the 3.2 miles around the lake aren't bad, the 0.4 miles going into and out of the woods where we live pose more than the usual hazards. On days like today, when the storm has flooded the forest, every type of insect imaginable decides that lone joggers are fitting feasts.

And don't you tell me to use Deep Woods Off before I go out running on Monday. Deep Woods Off isn't bad stuff, but you're underestimating the creatures I was brushing away with every step, beating my neck like I needed medication, not exercise.

What lurks out there aren't mosquitoes as you normally know them. Enterprising young paleontologists who happen upon this blog might want to contact me, because I think they might be interested in a specimen or two. At least by rumour, some of the more impressive denizens of our woodlands have gotten casting calls from Spielberg, and were only turned down because they had more talent than the leading actors.

So, I'm probably going to have to grow some hair on the back of my head. It's that, or let people play connect-the-dots with the bumps on my skull.

[1] Yes, it's an old Rodney Dangerfield joke.


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Maybe you could just get a hat?
The hat would have to cover not only the top of my head, but the back of my neck.
Hmm, a friend of the family served in the US marines. Apparantly they swear by a certain brand of window cleaner to keep the bugs off. It doesn't smell too good (but I'm guessing neither do you after the first half mile) but it was damn effective. Sadly I can't remember the brand and since this was 18 years ago you probably couldn't get it anyway. So I guess what this boils down to is find out what bug spray the US Marines are using these days.

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A Clockwork Orange

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