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Calm before the storm

Those few of us yet to be assigned an apartment at Columbia are getting more and more nervous--every conversation I've had with someone yet to be approved has been edgy. People live in dread of being put into dormitories or other unsuitable accomodation, and since it's take-it-or-leave-it they might not have time to arrange alternatives. Me, I'm trying to remain calm about the matter: nothing improves by worrying about it, and there's nothing I can do until it's resolved anyway. According to the school, there's a 'handful' of us remaining, but that's not comforting.

(There is the possibility that this is foolish, and that the assignments are done on a 'squeaky wheel gets the grease' system. But let's hope not.)

On the other hand, today I remembered why I came back to Michigan for the summer, rather than working like a dog somewhere else. The breeze was high, a friend was visiting, and we took our small sailboat out onto the lake. Unusually, the wind was gusting even though there was no threat of storm. Our small vessel, even with two full-grown men aboard, managed an impressive clip, and we came close to capsizing twice. For two hours I could take any concerns, like the above, and lose them in keeping the sail full, the lines taut, and our bodies above water.

I must sign off. Tomorrow is an early start (5:30 AM), and we'll be taking the S. S. Badger across lake Michigan to Manitowoc and then driving on to Madison, Wisconsin. I'll drop my friend there and take the red-eye ferry back to Ludington, and get back home around 6 A.M. Sunday. I'm looking forward to the journey: there's something about floating on water that melts concerns from my shoulders.

I'm tempted to just keep on driving that Sunday, and come back home Monday morning. Who knows? When I get back, maybe I'll have my housing email.


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My current roommate had a similar situation to you. He spent August to October in a crappy housing situation, on appeal the whole time to be moved into a real apt. My suggestion if you do get stuck in housing you don't like: file an initial transfer appeal, wait for 2 weeks, then hound the crap out of them. Daily. But nicely, of course. My apt had an empty room from Sept. till October, and all the while, housing was telling people they had no units available. Such is bureaucratic nonsense.

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