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The "No I'm Not A Corporate Mouthpiece" Disclaimer

Someone emailed me asking if the site is now sponsored by Amazon, their tone implying that I have somehow consigned Three Years of Hell to corporate whoredom. So just to make things clear:

  • I've been a corporate whore for years--who are you talking to? and
  • No, I'm not trying to make mucho dinero through my blog, as I've worked in the web long enough to know it won't happen.

Amazon.com has a nifty collection of tools for developers that use XML and web services, and I'm learning a lot by implementing these things, even if most of the code isn't mine. And in the meantime, the pictures I can use from Amazon (with, it seems, their permission) brighten up my website a bit.

Yes, if you click through and actually buy something, I get a fractional bit of money, in theory. No one's done so yet, and I don't suppose anyone ever will. But it's not really the point of the exercise. There's no use in selling your soul for such a low value.


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Oh fer Gawd's sake.... If you're going to graduate from an Ivy League law school you're well on your way to corporate whoredom anyway (let me ignore the fact that you admit to having been or already being a corporate whore), there's no need to agonize over the fact. Just revel it it for now. In about 4 years, you'll be working too damn hard to enjoy it. :-) (Besides, if you're going to be a corporate whore I can think of worse corporations to whore for than Amazon; I've always been satisfied with their service and selection.) Hope you make a little off the connection, but you're realistic about those prospects. Just enjoy it... Cheers, LRC
Oh, I'm enjoying the heck out of it. Do I sound too geeky if I say that they've got a wonderful XML web service setup? I just figured I ought to announce it to forestall anyone else emailing me about 'selling out.' I mean, really, who did they think they were talking to? :-)
It probably does sound too geeky, but remember I gave up the law to become a professional geek; I'll forgive you for it, even if nobody else does. Cheers, Len Cleavelin

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What I'm Reading

D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

About time I read this...


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A Round-the-World Travel Blog: Devil May Care (A new round-the-world travel blog, co-written with my wife)
Parents for Inclusive Education (From my Clinic)

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