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Momma always told me there'd be days like these

When I'm neck deep in legal studies and bemoaning my 1L-hood, it's weeks like this I should look back on. Even without much of a job (I'm doing occasional translation to pay the bills), everything seems to be conspiring against me. I can't wait for law school. Hopefully for your amusement, a list of the silly stuff that's ruined my last few days.

a) Ticket for making a U-turn at an intersection where the sign was obstructed. I'm hoping to challenge the ticket, but may pay it, since my license is being held 'in lieu of bail' and I can't buy a drink at any bar in town until I get it back. (No, the officer didn't ask if I'd just like to pay the bail.)

b) I'm house-sitting for a family with a very old and cranky dog. I hate dogs, and I'm allergic to them. This one doesn't like me, hasn't been away from its owner for a week in its life, and spent this week depressed and leaving little 'presents' all over the floor. But these are some good friends, so I've taken care of it, and even took it to the vet today when its organs of elimination were highly inflamed. The vet diagnosed it as 'nervous bowel syndrome' and doped the mutt on Phenobarbital. I had to take decongestants when I got home, since having the dog in the car set off my allergies.

I've cleaned up every mark on their floor, though. They're good friends, and better, they're good friends with a very nice Bissel carpet cleaner.

c) I need to figure out how to prove I've been immunized to the State of New York before law school. I need to get the signature of a healthcare provider, but since I have no idea where my medical records are (I've moved too many times) that's no mean feat. And until I get to Columbia, I have no health insurance.

d) While helping my mother clean the downstairs, I saw a small red ball that looked like a tiny berry. I picked it up between my fingers only to find my hands covered in a blood-red substance. It appears one of the neighbor kids dropped a paintball.

I think for the sake of the world I'll retreat into a plastic bubble with a copy of Joseph Glannon's Civil Procedure this week. I'm breaking everything I touch. I really can't wait to get to law school!


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Use the dog to round up the neighbourhood kids and force them to clean the floors. Then change the dogs name to Tony Rickey and have the vet immunise it. Finally assure your friends that the only way to get dog shit out of the carpet was by using the contents of their liquor cabinet.
"Momma always told me there'd be days like these" What she didn't tell you is that there'll be so damn many of them..... Cheers....
Hi Anthony - Glad to see a new Columbia blogger in the mix! Just finished my 1L year at CLS (good grades, law review) and I have this advice: forget about the pre-law reading! Unless you honestly enjoy it, it's pretty much useless. Doing well in 1L is all about conserving your energy for the important things, and so you should use this summer to relax. Believe me, the ambient stress will prod you into working hard when the semester starts, so no need to prep yourself now, no matter how inactive you are. Good luck and enjoy the remainder of your freedom!
Thanks for the advice, but actually, I'm really enjoying the Civil Procedure book. Big Rapids, Michigan doesn't have a decent bookstore and I'm trying to save money, so it's either that or pulp dimestore novels that'll really do my brain in. Trust me, if it's a choice between Civil Procedure and dog droppings, I know which I'm choosing. :)
if you're actually enjoying civpro, well, it's just too late for you. seriously, go have actual fun.
Booo to the Glannon's reading. You can read it in about three hours once law school starts, and for a guy who appears to be somewhat intelligent, it'll probably stunt your intellectual growth.

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