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Return of the Strange Search Terms

In my break between ConLaw reading and Perspectives reading, I figured I'd pause to give you the latest strange Google paths by which intrepid, and probably confused, websurfers have found this site. As always, my commentary is left for the searchers, if they're still around.

  • I'll start by pointing out that due to my single Paris Hilton post, I've gotten the statistical majority of my Google hits. Not the statistical majority of my Google hits since last month, mind you, but the majority of all hits since the inception of the blog. Ms. Hilton, besides starring on horrible TV shows, is wreaking havok on my statistical sensibilities. It really gives you a sense of how, even if you're a moderately sized blawger, the porn universe is just so much bigger.
    Best searches include 'paris hilton video download', 'free paris hilton video,' 'admit it: you two are paris hilton,' and my all-time favorite, 'paris hilton karl rove,' 'paris hilton videotape having sex with the devil.'
  • Runner up: 'Who the hell is paris hilton.' Ignorance is truly bliss.
  • famous crazy people: this guy might have found what he was looking for, at least if he checked this out during exams.
  • Anne Coulter resume: Because, you know, I'm hiring...
  • Howard Dean god: it's his next step after he's gotten the presidency...
  • two years in hell to become devil: They're going to do it a year faster than me???
  • law misery depression: Well, someone was searching during exams...
  • British lapel sign of Iraq: Got me
  • What's Hell Like: Check back during this term's exams...
  • young female single professional blog: Check out Stay of Execution
  • Kill Limbaugh: Ooooh boy...
  • feminism lilo and stitch: Please tell me there's not a feminist interpretation of that lousy film...
  • have wild sex with the devil paris hilton: let the theologians among you ponder where to put the commas in that statement
  • become an assassin: a course not likely to be taught at Columbia Law School
  • history behind kissing cousins: no one admit to this one, OK?
  • it feels like I wasted my high school years: You and me both, mate...
  • solution to segregation in New York City: some people expect a lot from this blog
  • coffee bar construction materials
  • beautiful teacher in torture hell: someone's been watching the wrong kind of Japanese videos...
  • My most flattering non-Paris-Hilton sex entries: clever sex and where to find sex in New York City
  • And finally, the least complimentary search term: how to become an idiot

    Ah well, if the shoe fits...

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Giving The Devil His Due

And like that... he is gone (8)
Bateleur wrote: I tip my hat to you - not only for ... [more]

Law Firm Technology (5)
Len Cleavelin wrote: I find it extremely difficult to be... [more]

Post Exam Rant (9)
Tony the Pony wrote: Humbug. Allowing computers already... [more]

Symbols, Shame, and A Number of Reasons that Billy Idol is Wrong (11)
Adam wrote: Well, here's a spin on the theory o... [more]

I've Always Wanted to Say This: What Do You Want? (14)
gcr wrote: a nice cozy victorian in west phill... [more]

Choose Stylesheet

What I'm Reading

D.C. Noir

My city. But darker.
A Clockwork Orange

About time I read this...


Projects I've Been Involved With

A Round-the-World Travel Blog: Devil May Care (A new round-the-world travel blog, co-written with my wife)
Parents for Inclusive Education (From my Clinic)

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