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Secret Santa, Or Someone Trying To Save My Soul

Well, one day after I find myself with a good excuse to go buy Playboy, an anonymous benefactor with access to Lexis-Nexis sends the relevant George McGovern interview to me.

This has taught me two things:
(a): Lexis-Nexis has access to at least some articles in Playboy. While I guess it makes sense, I would never have thought of that on my own.
(b): The passage relevant to my last post regarding Dean is:

Howard Dean doesn't need any advice from me, although he is the only presidential contender who has sought it. I have been present only once to see and hear the Democratic aspirants for the presidential nomination, at the State Democratic Rural Conference in Lake Placid, New York. In terms of stage presence and audience reaction at this one event, I would have to give the nod to Senator John Kerry. But Dean also came across well. When he finished, Dean asked me to meet with him privately. He plied me with questions about how I thought he was doing. I told him he seemed to be doing fine and offered only one real bit of advice: Beware of excessive fatigue. That's sometimes the cause of political gaffes. The late senator Barry Goldwater once told me he came out against Social Security in St. Petersburg, Florida late in his 1964 campaign against President Lyndon Johnson because he was furious with his staff for scheduling a late-night rally when he was at the point of exhaustion. In a doubtful display of logic, Goldwater told me he was trying to punish his "damn staff" with this shocking attack on the program.

If I had felt qualified to advise Governor Dean, I would have urged him to stay with his current strategy: The way to beat George Bush is not to be like him. Dean should also hang on to his effective tagline, "I represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party."

Perhaps we can have McGovern put on the ticket for veep?


Thanks, Tony. Beofre this, I thought that Dean and McGovern were actually the same person. BTW, contracts grades are up.
http://www.salon.com/comics/tomo/2003/12/29/tomo/index1.html You'll need to click through the ads to see this cartoon which covers pretty much most of what I think on this and similar subjects. Try asking Lexis Nexis for Miss January 2004 next time you get the chance. Could be interesting. M

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